It affects the communication skills of textile


“by Nd 2 U 2 Me fri5 gt rpt. Bob”

Can you imagine an e-mail the arrival of a high-level manager in a large company ? What would you think of a company who has sent such a thing to you, the customer? If you think that this is an exaggeration, think again! Many researchers believe that the textile and e-mail have contributed to a sharp decrease in effective communication skills of this generation. In this article, I will describe how to text message and e-mail skills caused the worsening of the corporate world, how laziness increased the misunderstanding that the impersonal nature of communication technology increased rudeness and aggression and prevent the friendships. Finally, I will share some tips to help you and your kids to avoid these traps will increase the chances of success in personal and professional life.

1. Poor communication skills Even Corporate America:
“Communication is all anyone can eventually get paid … and if you can not communicate effectively, you will not get the money to pay …” -Doug Firebaugh

a 2005 article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette employers complain communication skills. Bosses say graduates were labeled among the biggest shortcoming is an inability to speak and write effectively. Communication skills now top the list of skills employers are looking for, because these qualities can not be taught in their new hire training for two weeks. However, these properties are consistently at the bottom of the list have employee perspective in the interview. The National Association of Colleges and Employers had good communication skills, which most employers say job seekers lack the college.

Debra Vargulish, the training administrator Latrobe-based global tool company that recruits college students to Kennametal Inc. It has been reported that students encounter often inarticulate and shy, “seems to have much better technology, than older people. it really is that the content is missing. many of them do not know what to say at all, and that’s not good. “

in my lifetime, the technology has been nothing short of amazing! It was some incredibly powerful effects that can communicate. We are able to communicate with almost anyone in the world, stroke is the key. We can find information in the nano-second. E-mail and SMS allows us convenient access to friends of our schedule, we have a simple way to connect, pass along vital information and help from family and close friends to stay despite being hundreds of miles apart. However, sms and e-mail also mentioned the cause of communication skills deteriorated in recent years. This e-mail shorthand is one of the reasons given.

According to a recent study, 25% of them used emoticons in their school writing; 50% of them have used informal punctuation and grammar, 38% of them have used text shortcuts like “LOL” or “laugh out loud”. And they term “links” showing up to work!

“right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.” -Hubert H. Humphrey

A recent Harris Interactive and Teenage Research Unlimited survey, researchers found that instant messaging keeps the family together on the Internet, but can also lead to fewer in-person meetings, trips and less time actually talking about. He said the data collected showed online communication is unjustifiably place and start a real relationship is virtual. This is not the personal social skills carry over to the business world.

“You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can not get them across, your ideas will not get you anywhere.” -Lee Iacocca

2. People are getting lazy info and do not use it to check things, or unadvised
as much information (and wrong) with a click of a lot longer to due diligence sure that passing along information that is accurate. Passing along misinformation not only allows you to panic, with no need to exist, but it can also ruin your credibility. I saw a large Facebook groups define a falsehood. When the group leaders realize their case invalid the group members have a hard time to entrust other information on them.

Laziness causes poor attention spans and writing as well. A recent story reported on the negative impact of the New York Times text messages to statistics from the Nielsen Company shows teens in the United States average about 80 text messages per day in the fourth quarter of 2008 text messages allow teenagers to communicate in places where the use of mobile phones is not possible, mainly school . It is quite easy to hide the cell phone and the text of the textile and teenagers do not focus on the lesson and decreased attention span occurs. According to the University of Alabama computers and applied technology program 2009 Technology Education: A series of case studies: his ninth grade, Mrs. Diego, the English teacher, he found that his “students’ papers full of short, choppy sentences that do not provide depth . “

Furthermore, many teens spend so much time texting, are not aware of the correct use of words and phrases are not used by unadvised. Here is something that I heard the other day in the park. The 14-year-old girl told her 4-year-old step sister “, the soon-to-be father-in an airplane right now.” As I listened to the conversation that followed, but it turned out that the 14-year-old was probably talking to his father, who will legally adopt her step-sister.

3. Increase rudeness and aggression
Christina Durano, according to a study of social skills prevents Technology, “Not only electronics hindering the development of interpersonal communication skills, but also just plain rude Sometimes you want. to grab the phone out of someone’s hands and throw it off the ground, so yes, they look at me during the interview. this is not, I think, I’m so high and mighty that I really deserve people’s attention that this is just some basic rights everyone deserves – one of which is the right to a two-way conversation “

‘ve noticed that some inconsiderate movie goers are lately.? You can not step into a movie theater no longer meets the sea backlit mobile phones such as the owners of thumb your way through the endless online games or beep-ridden text messages. And do not get me started on the increased aggression forums, discussion groups and Yahoo because of the anonymity of faceless, impersonal relationships made online. People feel justified in expressing anger and sound disrespectful, because they do not have to see the victims’ eyes when they communicate.

4. prevent friendships and social skills:
There are serious drawbacks to the influence of technology on interpersonal communication. Our zest to connect people around the world, often ignore their neighbors. People do not see the need to physically interactive, it may have been carried out without any physical contact with the main activity or even exercise or participate in sports activities in virtual students.

Because of the increase in text messages and e-mails, some experts like Rick Pukis, Augusta State University associate professor of communication, like texting may affect the way we interact.

“Text messaging has made us a very impersonal society today. They do not communicate, do not use any facial expressions such as smiling so when you get back to the situation where they’re talking to someone, and they did not smile. Someone whips one thirty seconds over and they’re like, ‘Ahh, I took care of this, he said. it does not really communicate only fired a one-line sentence to me and does not really convey any thoughts. “

my niece recently attended a friend’s birthday party and found himself in the middle of a textile marathon. Every girl, cell phone in hand, texting boys, who were not present at the party and each other despite the fact that there they were in the room with each other for several hours

5. What should I do?
in order for you and your family to these traps to avoid, which can lead to a serious lack of effective communication skills that can hinder personal and professional success in life, we recommend that you do not miss lessons ignored communication skills. the Lord says in Proverbs 25:11, “a word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”

and do not forget: “the biggest problem in communication is the illusion that this happened.” -George Bernard Shaw


Source by Jojo Tabares

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