Personality of Shakespeare’s Macbeth Murder


Sigmund Freud, perhaps the most famous psychologist of all time, he explained the personality as a result of the interplay of three opposing forces of the mind. It took the view that each individual’s personality depends on the outcome of the battle between selfish instincts triple, moralistic conscious and realistic thinking. support a new trend in other models in the development of personality, such as social learning theory, which states that, through the personality of simply studying interactions with other people (almost like a chemical reaction) and the humanistic theory which suggests checked by personal process of inner-directed to increase self-improvement. One of Shakespeare’s most popular play, the tragedy of Macbeth, provide an interesting medium for the study of three theories of personality.

First, let us examine Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality, character used as Macbeth. If we are to confirm this theory, the battle must be made Macbeth’s mind the three forces as well. This is not – in fact, three factors are the same as Freud’s categories exactly Macbeth consumption or King of Scotland (selfish instincts), the belief that he did not become king, except by killing Duncan (realistic thinking) and the hesitation that the king lives in order to further this selfish system (moral awareness). Freud, however, insists that all human beings are born inherent desire to harm others, and while Macbeth is clearly the villain of the game and is responsible for the deaths of more than one character who takes no pleasure in it. In fact, it seems repulsed by his own actions, and if it were not sustained at the urging of his bloodthirsty wife, he may very well have left his evil intentions before they were brought to ruin.

Another theory of personality development, social learning theory, derived from the work of Gabriel Tarde, which suggests that personality is developed primarily through imitation. It supports this ideology argue that Macbeth’s personality, as well as the method of inheritance in question is not the result of some interesting clash between forces of his head, but he was, in fact, simply a learned behavior. This is a very plausible theory – and one of which is the history seems to support. The nine kings that preceded the historical Macbeth, all but two were killed, or directly to their offspring or the result of some feud. Self-efficacy in social learning phrase refers to the belief that man is able to achieve its goals which should be the man. Following the example of his predecessors, it will display high self-efficacy Macbeth, the witches fulfill the prophecy and become the king of Scotland.

The third main theory of personality humanistic school, according to which human beings as basically good, but it paints a picture of a society often destructive force that tends to create unattainable self-concept; these are unrealistic expectations gradually descending to the individual’s personality, which is the bitterness, and if left unchecked, sometimes aggression. Following this model, the witches represent society. The prophecy creates an unrealistic self-image distortion Macbeth is basically good-natured and lead to violent acts. Humanists, however, emphasized the trend toward individual personality growth and self-realization. They believe that goes against itself capable of holding its own forces in society, so you can cast, but is not limited. This particular aspect of humanistic theory does not coincide with the overall development of the game.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the “personality” comes from the Greek word persona, which can be translated as a mask. It is noteworthy, perhaps, is that while modern readers describe the mask is a device used to disguise the identity, it was the ancient theatrical tradition, but a congressional utilized to characterize a particular character. Shakespeare’s Macbeth is probably a typing a reluctant killer, a weak man, not really looking to the detriment of others, but were led astray by the dark forces of the surrounding world – and no matter which theory of personality is applied above, this is the end of an inability to curb external or internal forces which Macbeth anger about his tragic and bloody end.


Source by Walter Wykes

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