Top 10 Reasons for Dating a Filipino girl


Many Western men choose to build a relationship with her in the Philippines. Some even choose to marry a Filipino. But what makes Filipino women so wanted?

first Filipino girls are famous for their beauty .

certainly stand out in Asian women in terms of charm and femininity. If you think otherwise may have never seen Angela Perez Baraquio – the first Asian-American and Filipino American who was crowned Miss America 2001 and Miss Hawaii.

2. Filipino girls are a pleasure to around because the disposition and personality.

Since the birth of Filipinas raise a special sense of honor Delikadesa names (or Delicadeza). Delicadeza a Spanish phrase which, when translated in English means grace. According to the definition of decorum, an act that refined and delicate tastes and manners.
Delikadesa This is what gives these admirable qualities of Filipino women and distinguishes them from western women. You will never find the appropriate Philippine bring shame onto himself and his family from lying, cheating, stealing, running around to different people or flunking out of school. This is one of Delikadesa – pride, to do the right thing.

3. Filipinas understanding, patient and calm .

Most Filipino girl never involved in an altercation or a loud argument simply because it does not fit a real woman. They are taught to speak politely, gentle voice. Arguing is not only acceptable, and the public criticism. This soft spoken, quiet and understanding the nature of Philippine Ladies the desired properties to strive for Filipinas.

4. Philippine her generous and naturally caring and support.

The common spirit of survival of the United Filipinos for centuries generosity and loyalty to the family of an old tradition. A caring and supportive nature of Filipinas is evident in the fact that they are not thriving businesses or orphanages, old people’s home in the Philippines – they never leave a child or a family member in need.

5. Philippine She believes in a single a man woman relationship.

Because there is no “absolute divorce” in the Philippines, Filipinas are raised much of the sanctity of marriage, and is believed to be a lifetime commitment. Some, in fact many people take these beauties Philippines, I swear that the best wives in the world – loyal, loving and faithful have been death.

6. Philippine woman in front of her family for the first time money .

loyalty to family tradition that is characteristic of Filipino society. In the Philippines, the family has always been of great importance. Filipino women, whom many people like that in a relatively poor country, view the close loving bonds of the family, such as wealth. They are more willing to sacrifice career as a family.

7. Filipinas excellent home keepers.

Filipino domestic women’s equal responsibility for the fact that a good wife – their own source of great pride for them and make every effort to create a warm and loving environment for your family. The Philippine even yelling at home would mean, but a view of your home, so you will probably never find a Philippine woman screaming or breaking dishes.

8. Filipinas well trained.

The Philippine culture attaches great importance to a college education. Pride in the school performance have been vaccinated Filipinas child and female college enrollment is higher than male. It affects the social positions as well. Unlike other Asian countries, where women tend to be more subordinate position to the Philippines for business more accepting of women engaged in business. This is evident in the current Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo – Philippines is the second woman to hold this esteemed position.

9. Filipino girls are religious.

The Philippines is predominantly Roman Catholic (the only Christian nation in the Far East), and it is common among Philippine families raise their children in the Church. So do not be surprised if the Philippine her more devoted to her religion as you are to yours.

10 Filipino-American marriages are more successful , as the American-American marriages.

An interesting fact is that according to statistics implemented by the Philippine-American marriages dating services at lower divorce rate (20%) than the standard American-American marriages (about 40%). Still, vary according to the statistics, the use of that resource.

course have made some generalizations here, but basically it was supposed to answer the question of why so many people prefer a Philippine girls dating. If you too decide to give it a try, and to this day in the Philippines, I wish you good luck – who knows, you might find the girl he was looking for.


Source by Jonas Patterson

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