Globalization: How did Philip Education and too


Education is treated as a domestic phenomenon before the 20th century, and the institutions of learning were once treated with local institutions. Before the 20th century, education is generally the limited extent of a country, visiting only the consumption of local residents. Scientists or college students do not have to travel miles to their country of origin to study and competencies that are needed in order to pass through the road in their chosen careers. In addition, the name of national borders impenetrable walls sovereignty. More and more people with education and skills with the sole purpose, a staunch nationalist service from a land-based sources. Furthermore, knowledge of the valleys and the ocean surrounding the world map, as well as foreign languages ​​and international political regimes is essential not great. Intercultural exchange was not massive and sophisticated, if not complicated. Acceptance and understanding of cultural diversity does not put pressure on anyone, and the lure to participate in a globally connected world. In other words, before the 20th century, mostly school work is simple and limited to the local, national, nearby. They are limited to their own town, their region, their country. A student was in their neighborhood as a place where it is to be born to educated, and later on to be of service to – the local village, which is his home, the community and the country.

However, the world has been in a state of constant change. Since the 20th century, the phenomenon known as globalization have increased the slogan. Anything related to the phrase attributed to globalization, modernization, or anything that up-to-date, if not better. An integral part of this trend is the advent of information technology and the irresistible force and the information boom of the wonders of the Internet. The idea of ​​cosmopolitanism – a kind of all mankind, regardless of race, gender, and so on, the life of a so-called global village – another primary sign of globalization. Moreover, the international media, as well as trade and investment has occurred and rampant transnational nature. Finally, globalization is affected by the uncontrolled movement of scientists, workers and migrants move from one place to another in search of better jobs and living conditions.

Apparently, globalization seemed to be all-encompassing in all areas of concern for human life, and that includes education. One indicator of this is the emergence of international education as a concept. Education internationalization manifested catchphrases such as The Global Schoolhouse, the whole world is a classroom, a large campus to Europe, Think globally. Act locally, and Go West. The students had apparently convinced the world to learn about the world and to cope with technological developments, if not become a citizen of the world. In fact, globalization and international education also play a role, for example, when speaking in Singapore, being branded as the Knowledge Capital of Asia, showing the city-state as one of the world’s academic powerhouses; De La Salle University in Manila, Philippines and external relations agreements with several universities in the Asian region, such as Japan’s Waseda University and Soochow University in Taiwan partnership and support; setting up branch campuses in Singapore and the satellites of the US and Australian universities such as the University of Chicago and the University of New South Wales, respectively; Online degree programs offer a housewife who is eager to acquire some education, despite being busy maternal responsibilities; students taking semesters or study abroad programs; and finally, the demand to learn English – the lingua franca of modern science and the business world – a non-traditional speakers, such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean students exert efforts to learn the language in order to be eligible for location English-speaking university and in the workplace. Apparently, all of these to promote international education, convincing prospective customers that today’s continuous frenzy of competition, a potent force to increase the individual’s own investment to vacate their homes, fly to another country and pick up the international courses. In fact, globalization and the international institutions to encourage all the students to get to know the world better and to engage with it on.

Boston College Center for International Higher Education and International Education Director Philip Altbach expert stated in his article, “International Perspectives on Higher Education” that the elements of the globalization of higher education, widespread and versatile. Clear indicators of globalization trends in higher education, which are more national implications of the following:

first cross paths through students;
2. International and Offshore branch campuses dotting the landscape, especially in developing and middle-income countries;
3. American colleges and universities, programs designed to provide an international perspective and intercultural skills are extremely popular;
4. Mass higher education;
5. The global market for students, academics and highly qualified personnel; and
6. The global presence of the new “Internet-based” technologies.

Moreover, the European Association of International Education Experts S. Caspersen supported the internationalization of influence in the areas of curriculum, language training, study and training abroad, teaching in a foreign language, hosting foreign students, employing foreign staff and guests teachers that teaching materials in foreign languages ​​and international Ph. D. students. However, the purpose of globalization is a “one-size-fits-all” culture, which facilitates international transactions do not seem to apply to all nations of the world. In the words of Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, the effects of globalization dualistic nature. Globalization in itself is neither good nor bad. You have the right to do enormous good. But much of the world, similar to the benefits of globalization are not taken. For many, it seems, it is closer to a real disaster. Andrew Green 2007 book, “Education and Development in a Global Era: Strategies for successful globalization”, claimed that optimists suggest that the rise of the East Asian tigers – Japan, China and South Korea – a success story of globalization. But these are only a small part of the world’s two hundred nations. The remaining majority of developing situations of which the Philippines.

In terms of international education has been observed in the Philippines, universities incorporated the mission and vision of the values ​​forming graduates globally competitive professionals. In addition, Philip went to university admission of foreign students and staff, as well as cooperation in international universities overseas. English training is intensified, and the language used in teaching, apart from the dominant Filipino vernacular. Finally, the Philippine higher education in the beginning of the 21st century has been supported by the offerings of nursing and information technology courses because the demand for these graduates in foreign countries.

In terms of student mobility, although growing international training through studying abroad than in the United States deemed worthy, if not better, for most Filipinos, the idea is compelling easier for most students. Foreign academic ambition is not popular with the current generation of students. The typical outlook, it is not practical to study overseas obviously because of the costs – tuition, living expenses, accommodation and airfare. Although financial support is available, they are extremely limited. There may be several universities or university scholarships are merit, talent scholarships, athletic, teaching assistantships, research assistantships, partial or full tuition waivers, but in fact many of the students is certainly not money. It seems the international education is understood as a global problem of global commodity prices, and above all, the privilege – and therefore not for everyone. So studying in America is an easy option for those who can afford to pay all of the costs involved in studying abroad.

The Philippines is a third world country that is heavily influenced by the developed countries like the United States. Globalization can be a positive influence in some ways, but at the expense of longer-leaning effects of a huge piece of the Filipinos. The most affected by globalization is not only the country’s education system, but also beyond – economically and socially. These include the brain drain, decline in quality of education because of profiteering, surplus labor, vulnerability of people working overseas, and declining family values.

One, the Philippines is a migrant worker country. This phenomenon is sending the workers (also known as overseas Filipino workers or OFWs) to work and send money home from abroad intensified globalization. Brain drain – and the exodus of talented and educated citizens of a country usually transfer from developed countries to better employment and living conditions – one of the problems that increased globalization. The Philippine foreign policy of labor diplomacy began in the 1970s, when rising oil prices caused by the boom in migrant labor contracts in the Middle East. The government of dictator Ferdinand Marcos, in the 1960s, the 1980s saw an opportunity to export young men left unemployed stagnant economy and established a system to regulate and stimulate the labor outflow. This scenario has led Filipinos to study courses like nursing, which secures jobs overseas rather than in their home country. For over 25 years, the export of the temporary workforce as nurses, engineers, IT professionals, caregivers, entertainers, housewives, factory workers, construction workers and sailors were sent overseas to be used. In return, the Philippine economy has benefited from monetary remittances of these OFWs. The last quarter of 2010, the Philippine economy gained roughly $ 18.76 billion in remittances, which largely came from OFWs based in the United States, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Italy, Germany, Norway.

Second, the demand was for foreign employment of Filipino professionals they affect the quality of the local education system as a fly-by-night, substandard schools, which are only aimed at profiteering. The Filipino legislators, Edgardo Angara, once aired concern about the spread of many schools, courses which believe that demanded foreign countries and the declining standard of education. Angara noted that the Philippines is too much access to education versus quality education. For example, every five kilometers in this country is a nursing school, a school computer, a school care and a beauty school. Angara suggested that legislators and educators need to find a happy formula for quality education.

Third, the impact of labor added another terrible globalization. In 2008, the brain drain, a phenomenon began to subside in the Philippines. This was the period when the United States began to experience financial turmoil was contagious, depressing countries around the world that depend on the economy. The Philippines, he thought that the demand for nurses has subsided because they are needed has already been filled. For example, the United States decided that instead of outsourcing to foreign nurses, they can employ local entrepreneurs to mitigate the local problem of rising unemployment. As a result of this incident it drew back the majority of the Filipino phenomenon of college students taking up nursing. And the unfortunate consequence of the surplus labor nursing graduates. This is a dilemma that has caused a third world country like the Philippines is trying to cope with globalization, labor outflows characteristic of Filipinos leaving the double whammy. More than 287 000 nursing graduates are currently unemployed or in jobs other than nursing. Nursing graduates are now suffering job mismatch, taking jobs that are different from their field of specialization, such as working in a call center, in English tutors for if you did not stay unemployed because the Philippine hospitals only a few vacancies at all which presumably busy with a large number of nursing graduates. In addition, it is accepted by the professionals of the voluntary hospitals and clinics have little or no monetary benefits or trainees who are burdened political violence pays hospitals for training.

Fourth, the dilemma is that globalization has assumed the Philippines, the vulnerability of foreign workers. For example, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates and Taiwan, had no choice but to lay down and repatriate Filipino guest workers in the light of the global financial crisis. Furthermore, the threat of a Saudization this affect the Philippines today. There are about 1.4 million OFWs in Saudi Arabia is in danger of losing their jobs because the Arab nation performs Saudization program that will prioritize employment of Arab citizens. So far, more than 1.5 million OFWs, Saudi Arabia, the country that has the highest concentration of OFWs. It is the largest tenant of the Filipino workers and the Filipino population is the largest in the Middle East. The majority of OFWs in Saudi Arabia hosts the problem of these Filipino workers lose their jobs and return to their homeland, where employment opportunities are scarce national threat. Furthermore, the current national instability in countries such as Syria and Libya threatened the lives of OFWs who still chose to remain in the workplace due to foreign economic reasons, which they find more severe across their safety.

Finally, as a result of the globalization of social costs, which include the challenges of Filipino families. Possessing strong family bonds, and shares of Filipino families sacrifice a significant amount of financial resources in order to support the relatives. Filipino parents in the belief that the education of children guaranteed promising futures and affordable decent life. Thus, due to the limited job opportunities in the Philippines that do not support the needs of families, one or both parents leave to work outside the country. As a result, the Filipino children, although their educational goals and well-being sustained, would have to survive from one or both parents from them. They will deal with surviving member of a large family, such as aunts, uncles, grandparents who remain to take care of them. This Filipino children deprived of parental support and guidance, as are separate from the primary family members.

In reality, though Filipino families have experienced the financial benefits of a family member cut the country itself to work overseas, a trend favored not by The majority of Filipinos. The poorest can not afford to miss, and work overseas. In addition, volatile market forces, the value of the US dollar, which is used as a currency OFW salaries fluctuated, rising gas prices and road fees for highways, as well as the continued surge in the cost of living in the Philippines, in general, globalization has been ruled out for long term economic growth in the country, the masses suffer a lot. In fact, human capital and technological know-how is important to growth, the Philippines has lost by globalization professionals in developed countries, on the other hand, experienced a “brain drain”.

Moreover, globalization has both positive and negative effects, but in the Philippines it’s more of a negative event. It is appropriate that means that globalization is “uneven progress” and that most of the least developing countries will not increase significantly in the light of globalization. Those that overwhelmingly benefited the rich and powerful countries of the Western world and Asia.

The Philippines was once like “knowledge capital of Asia”, especially in the 1960s and 1970s. The higher education system was characterized by high quality comparable to that of neighboring countries, much lower tuition, and the ruling of English as the teaching. The Philippines, therefore, was able to persuade the students to neighboring nations such as Chinese, Thai, Korean. Currently, however, this one is optimistic image has been replaced by a dreary one, because many of the problems that have long been confronted with a system like the budget mismanagement, poor quality, and job variation, thereby seriously affecting the consumers and end products – the Philippines -szigeteki students. So make matters affecting the graduates of the Philippine university globalization tempts them to decide to work overseas because of greater monetary benefits associated opposite to the disadvantage of their families at home and not spend your compatriots. Now that the world is going through a financial crisis, the Filipino workers will deal with these terrible effects of globalization.

Apparently, the Philippines stagnated, compared to goals by increasing equality, integration of rapid economic growth on a global scale and ubiquity of social improvement in the less developed countries. These are the fruits of globalization, unfortunately, does not drip down a lot in the Philippines. Therefore, although the overseas legal since the employment opportunities of local workers, then it is time that the Philippine government to encourage colleges and universities to programs that are relevant to the nature of this essentially agricultural country like objects related to agriculture, because this play a significant role in the direction of motion of the Philippine economy development. The population explosion in this country, which is generally considered as including the country’s predicaments as surging number of Filipinos is proportional to the employment opportunities available indirectly, to live the people by encouraging additional development and improvement of rural agricultural areas of employment. The rich Filipino families who own large conglomerates should take into account the number of jobs involved and encouraging dignified working conditions in order to alleviate the distressing trend of labor migration. In fact, instead of on the adoption of strong policies in Western countries like the United States, and go with the flow, the Philippine government is working to strengthen the welfare of citizens than anything else. (Sheena Ricarte, August 31, 2011).


Source by Sheena B Ricarte

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