Attention Millennials – ‘. The richness of the product people are able to think “socialism will never work in America


– Ayn Rand

The United States declared independence from Great Britain in 1776, to create a new republic was free from the tyranny of the monarchy. Prior to this, the economic system in the colonies was a capitalist America and was incorporated into the system to date. It is surprising that a self-proclaimed socialist, Bernie Sanders, picked up steam as a potential Democratic presidential candidate. More surprising is the millennial generation seems to be the basis for promotion. I have seen countless late-night television show interviewing these very same people who support Bernie Sanders and say should be covered, of socialism, because they like the idea of ​​freebies- free education, free health care, free savings accounts, higher living wage and the entitlement mentality. They do not understand the consequences of socialism, so why is this not possible use in America today.

Alexis de Tocqueville said, “nothing in common with democracy and socialism, but one word, equality But notice the difference:. While democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism aims at equality in restraint and kept in servitude. ” Simply put, there must be a balance between freedom and equality. After the psychological mindset swings everyone is equal and everything is becoming available, the pendulum has swung to the socialist mentality. In that case, the reduced personal freedoms, which means the main ingredient that innovation and success does not exist. People run incentives, and if it disappears, everything falls apart.

When people are working, they expect to be rewarded for skill and effort. Capitalism, in the main, a monetary reward to really motivate people to perform better and work harder. Socialism is not actually the opposite. It works to restrain the people, it is the hard work and effort they put part of the collective. This means that no matter how hard you work or how qualified you are, you will be rewarded the same as someone who is not afraid of a qualified or educated than you. Even worse, the workers are generally less productive. If you work twice as hard as another employee is still receiving the same pay, why would you want to work that hard or that so? Then do the minimal effort to get the job because they will not be rewarded star performance. But a capitalist model of lazy and less productive workers will be fired, and it would most prolific monetary compensation. This provided an incentive to the capitalist system leads to hard work, innovation and creativity, because there is a monetary incentive star performance.

Socialist mentality of self-indulgence desires versus self-reliance. It does not matter if they ever learn certain skills or attend an elite university, because you’ll never have to depend on yourself when the going gets tough. There is always a nanny state to pick you up, dust you off and provide you with a living wage. The socialist system rewards bad decision, laziness and irresponsibility. It also creates the demand for instant gratification versus delayed gratification, which means, why they work and sacrifice, because today there is no reward in the future to take and use everything now.

College are generally grouped into four levels, the first group that the most desirable and the most competitive. The students jump through multiple rings and the highest GPA and standardized test scores to get into these elite institutions. But an amazing number of students work harder and apply for a reason: they believe that the future success provides part of an elite school. Only students who showed some ability and that can take a rigorous course load will be selected. In fact, there are certain companies exclusive rights to only pick the top three law schools in the country and the monetary rewards offers more than four times the third or fourth level of the law school. The sources can be much more elite schools, because the characteristics with much higher than the other. This means that graduates of these institutions have become extremely successful and can afford to donate large cash gifts to the alma maters. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), which provides funding for medical research, provides a huge prize in the best medical schools in the country. Interestingly, the highest award given to the first group of medical schools almost exclusively. The NIH recognizes the largest research coming out of these institutions. If we lived in a socialist world, it would be possible to pay the same no matter where you went, why do not slack off a little bit in high school and go to college in a non-competitive, because in the end, it makes no monetary difference. This has the effects of cooling. If the innovation, creativity and discovery is not encouraged, life changing ideas and things such as medical technology and innovation, cures for diseases, for the iPhone, electric cars, music, and my favorite game, “Hamilton”, can be that does not exist.

Socialism inevitably leads to homogeneity. Imagine an America where the government dictated the personal freedoms and everybody’s house looked the same and had the same size, where everyone drove the same car, bought in a store, wearing the same type of clothing accessories, watching the same state television station. It is unfathomable! The Americans have been enjoying the freedom of expression and has taken the early independence. The fact that the independent nature that makes us unique, innovative and successful. This grit and determination, something to strive for and achieve and even exceed this goal. This is possible in America, and why so many immigrants flock to the coast. Talent and skill are rewarded through prosperity and the sky’s the limit; Socialism caps that limit. They say remove the cap, throw them to the wind, and strive and achieve. The possibilities are endless, since this is an American capitalist society.


Source by Madison P Singh

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