Diversity Recruitment – how to recruit, Engage and retain a diverse workforce


In the United States the population is undoubtedly diverse. Over the past 20 years, there was no significant increase in the proportion of women, immigrants and people of different ethnic groups and different cultural backgrounds. Fifty percent of the US workforce is now a different ethnic or cultural! In some areas of California’s multicultural workers comprise 70 percent of the workforce. Oxnard or Santa Ana, California, Laredo, Texas, El Paso, Texas, and other US cities, multicultural workers make up 90 percent of the workforce. There are a staggering 900% of the 700–growing multicultural population in Tennessee, Georgia, Iowa, and other places.

The government and the companies to be competitive, innovative and secure, and keep the market share, it is essential to recruit and retain a diverse workforce involvement. Building a diverse workforce brings energy and creativity of the workforce. An environment of inclusion where people feel valued and integrated into the company’s mission and vision, regardless of their cultural backgrounds leads to greater productivity. The dimensions of diversity resources are used to success and growth of the government and the companies.

In order to create a diverse pool of candidates, for a company to go where the candidates.

College, a historically large numbers of women and people of different cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds.

Career day at the middle and high schools are racially different areas into a different outlet to discuss the benefits of working in the organization and industry people interested in the topic before you go to college.

suppliers and service providers, champion diversity should be encouraged to take and probably helps to funnel the growing number of highly qualified and diverse candidates.

is an internal system that would help to inform employees of available positions spread the word and attract new candidates. The hiring process should be simplified to encourage prospective new employees.

It goes without saying that should be based on qualifications, not the comfort level of the lease. But easier said than done. People tend to feel to feel close to those that resemble themselves. This concept should be understood intellectually, but you can practice every day in the field.

The definition must consider the effective leadership qualities. One has to be aware of prejudices of other cultures, communication styles and decision-making processes, so as not to interfere with the recruitment and admissions decision.

One way for an organization to develop an in-house diversified talent to continue to mentor people with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds and incorporate ideas from other cultures, solve problems, and more innovative.

The recruiting process is the gateway to the company. Interviews with a variety of different perspectives panel inspire and impart a better interaction with candidates. The recruiting team who have been trained in diversity awareness and inclusion are willing to go beyond their comfort zone to attract the best candidates. Diversity training will reduce and mitigate the impact of biases and stereotypes in the workplace environment. Intercultural communication training to help the staff work well together and be more effective. Outside recruiters hired by any company not only positive, but also a diverse workforce themselves.

The carefully-planned media, PR and advertising strategy is essential for an organization to achieve diversity and maintain a diverse workforce.

Diversity should be part of the mission and should be clearly visible. New diversity initiatives, internal changes in the diversity and diversity objectives by which an organization must meet widely published to identify the company as a good place to work. Recruits will look for alternative employers, if a company can not claim as that is the value of diversity.

Relations with ethnic community leaders and community organizations to generate goodwill and demonstrate that the company appreciates the community as a source of future employee recruitment. In addition, potential qualified candidates are not afraid or intimidated, but will be motivated to apply and pursue their careers in companies and organizations perceived that the “friend of the community.”

ethnic media advertising not only allows the body to direct (and lower prices) demographic, but also marked the company’s brands as a friend of the community. It makes it tangible, accessible and encourages candidates and influential that are more susceptible to such a potential employer.

Link to related to diversity organizations, including the African-American student organizations, the Spanish and Latin student organizations, and Asian-American academics and ethnically diverse professional associations and organizations such as the Asian MBA and Spanish Chamber Trade can be an invaluable tool to communicate with professional and diverse population. Ultimately, this leads to an increase in the flow of qualified and diverse candidates to walk in the company’s front door. Do not let the distortion excludes excellent candidates.


Source by Mostapha Saout

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