Fidel Castro Career Pro Baseball revolution or a Home Run?


This is a story that falls into the category of “urban legend”. The story is that Fidel Castro was given a chance to join the Major League Baseball team in 1949, and no. The story is based on a widespread rumor and leads armchair historians say, “What if …”

Here’s the story:

Castro had a try-out of a large baseball team, the New York Yankees and Washington Senators, and was rejected.

How would the 20th century would have been different if Castro became a ballplayer in the US, but the dictator of Cuba? Well, no sense of thinking, because the chance never existed. The story is completely false.

This is just a rumor, that blown out of proportion, but one of the reasons why so attractive to the American Major League Baseball player on the team is actively seeking Cuba 1940s. In addition, the US team several Cuban baseball players than any other foreign player, with the exception of the Dominican Republic.

Finally, it would have been more comfortable Fidel Castro’s detractors to believe that you may have given up on the whole revolution and ideology to toss a baseball in America a lot of money. If this were true, it could damage the credibility of the case. Maybe a lot of people want to believe.

It is also worth noting the two teams, which are usually used in the story: the “Yankee” (probably because they rejected him, spent the next 48 years going on tirades against them), and “senators”, a professional baseball team the nation’s capital.

FACTS magazine published by the magazine and only people with very interesting publication named the world’s largest Fidel Castro FACTS Collection at between Http://
hundreds little-known facts – with a few describing Fidel Castro never materialized professional baseball career.

So, here is the truth:

Castro played for the University of Havana. Scouts of the Pittsburgh Pirates considering a deal with Castro. They were looking for players to Havana and saw Castro because of his curve ball. Don Hoak played against the Pittsburgh Pirates Castro and told him his whole life. He said that Castro threw a fastball that such a large internal Hoak asked the referees to remove him from the game. The Pirates scouts did not see the same potential. He felt that he was not fast enough and not worth signing.

Castro claims that the Giants offered him $ 5,000 as a college grant and she refused. It is impossible to verify this story as a variety of sources, according to slightly different details, and none of them can be checked. However, Castro always used the story in her favor, saying that he refused the offer of American capitalists, because the country has for the first time. Many Cuban players followed in his footsteps, but many have fled the country to play in the US major leagues.

Castro not only played baseball college days, he was a die-hard baseball fan all his life. He asked Joe DiMaggio baseball it is a dedicated, DiMaggio and agreed to give him one, hoping it would help deflate US-Cuba relations.

The fact that so many Cuban baseball players to leave the country a thorn in the side of the dictator. Stories of players daring escapes from Cuba say, whenever he spoke, and it is a source of humiliation Castro. These players are seen as the bad examples of other Cuban children who want to play baseball, and the pictures and the American baseball can not be easily separated.

is not true that the Yankees, Giants and Senators Castro offered a bonus to play them, but it is very likely that the Scouts pirates in mind for him. Still, given the commitment to the cause of Cuba, it is highly doubtful that he ditched to go out and play baseball in the United States. But, like all urban legends and rumors of a good story is a good story.

On the back while real facts (and many are) by the person concerned – look at the world’s largest land Fidel Castro FACTS Collection – Http://


Source by Glen Eastman

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