Globalization: How did Philip Education and too


Education is treated as a domestic phenomenon before the 20th century, and the institutions of learning were once treated with local institutions. Before the 20th century, education is generally the limited extent of a country, visiting only the consumption of local residents. Scientists or college students do not have to travel miles to their country of origin to study and competencies that are needed in order to pass through the road in their chosen careers. In addition, the name of national borders impenetrable walls sovereignty. More and more people with education and skills with the sole purpose, a staunch nationalist service from a land-based sources. Furthermore, knowledge of the valleys and the ocean surrounding the world map, as well as foreign languages ​​and international political regimes is essential not great. Intercultural exchange was not massive and sophisticated, if not complicated. Acceptance and understanding of cultural diversity does not put pressure on anyone, and the lure to participate in a globally connected world. In other words, before the 20th century, mostly school work is simple and limited to the local, national, nearby. They are limited to their own town, their region, their country. A student was in their neighborhood as a place where it is to be born to educated, and later on to be of service to – the local village, which is his home, the community and the country.

However, the world has been in a state of constant change. Since the 20th century, the phenomenon known as globalization have increased the slogan. Anything related to the phrase attributed to globalization, modernization, or anything that up-to-date, if not better. An integral part of this trend is the advent of information technology and the irresistible force and the information boom of the wonders of the Internet. The idea of ​​cosmopolitanism – a kind of all mankind, regardless of race, gender, and so on, the life of a so-called global village – another primary sign of globalization. Moreover, the international media, as well as trade and investment has occurred and rampant transnational nature. Finally, globalization is affected by the uncontrolled movement of scientists, workers and migrants move from one place to another in search of better jobs and living conditions.

Apparently, globalization seemed to be all-encompassing in all areas of concern for human life, and that includes education. One indicator of this is the emergence of international education as a concept. Education internationalization manifested catchphrases such as The Global Schoolhouse, the whole world is a classroom, a large campus to Europe, Think globally. Act locally, and Go West. The students had apparently convinced the world to learn about the world and to cope with technological developments, if not become a citizen of the world. In fact, globalization and international education also play a role, for example, when speaking in Singapore, being branded as the Knowledge Capital of Asia, showing the city-state as one of the world’s academic powerhouses; De La Salle University in Manila, Philippines and external relations agreements with several universities in the Asian region, such as Japan’s Waseda University and Soochow University in Taiwan partnership and support; setting up branch campuses in Singapore and the satellites of the US and Australian universities such as the University of Chicago and the University of New South Wales, respectively; Online degree programs offer a housewife who is eager to acquire some education, despite being busy maternal responsibilities; students taking semesters or study abroad programs; and finally, the demand to learn English – the lingua franca of modern science and the business world – a non-traditional speakers, such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean students exert efforts to learn the language in order to be eligible for location English-speaking university and in the workplace. Apparently, all of these to promote international education, convincing prospective customers that today’s continuous frenzy of competition, a potent force to increase the individual’s own investment to vacate their homes, fly to another country and pick up the international courses. In fact, globalization and the international institutions to encourage all the students to get to know the world better and to engage with it on.

Boston College Center for International Higher Education and International Education Director Philip Altbach expert stated in his article, “International Perspectives on Higher Education” that the elements of the globalization of higher education, widespread and versatile. Clear indicators of globalization trends in higher education, which are more national implications of the following:

first cross paths through students;
2. International and Offshore branch campuses dotting the landscape, especially in developing and middle-income countries;
3. American colleges and universities, programs designed to provide an international perspective and intercultural skills are extremely popular;
4. Mass higher education;
5. The global market for students, academics and highly qualified personnel; and
6. The global presence of the new “Internet-based” technologies.

Moreover, the European Association of International Education Experts S. Caspersen supported the internationalization of influence in the areas of curriculum, language training, study and training abroad, teaching in a foreign language, hosting foreign students, employing foreign staff and guests teachers that teaching materials in foreign languages ​​and international Ph. D. students. However, the purpose of globalization is a “one-size-fits-all” culture, which facilitates international transactions do not seem to apply to all nations of the world. In the words of Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, the effects of globalization dualistic nature. Globalization in itself is neither good nor bad. You have the right to do enormous good. But much of the world, similar to the benefits of globalization are not taken. For many, it seems, it is closer to a real disaster. Andrew Green 2007 book, “Education and Development in a Global Era: Strategies for successful globalization”, claimed that optimists suggest that the rise of the East Asian tigers – Japan, China and South Korea – a success story of globalization. But these are only a small part of the world’s two hundred nations. The remaining majority of developing situations of which the Philippines.

In terms of international education has been observed in the Philippines, universities incorporated the mission and vision of the values ​​forming graduates globally competitive professionals. In addition, Philip went to university admission of foreign students and staff, as well as cooperation in international universities overseas. English training is intensified, and the language used in teaching, apart from the dominant Filipino vernacular. Finally, the Philippine higher education in the beginning of the 21st century has been supported by the offerings of nursing and information technology courses because the demand for these graduates in foreign countries.

In terms of student mobility, although growing international training through studying abroad than in the United States deemed worthy, if not better, for most Filipinos, the idea is compelling easier for most students. Foreign academic ambition is not popular with the current generation of students. The typical outlook, it is not practical to study overseas obviously because of the costs – tuition, living expenses, accommodation and airfare. Although financial support is available, they are extremely limited. There may be several universities or university scholarships are merit, talent scholarships, athletic, teaching assistantships, research assistantships, partial or full tuition waivers, but in fact many of the students is certainly not money. It seems the international education is understood as a global problem of global commodity prices, and above all, the privilege – and therefore not for everyone. So studying in America is an easy option for those who can afford to pay all of the costs involved in studying abroad.

The Philippines is a third world country that is heavily influenced by the developed countries like the United States. Globalization can be a positive influence in some ways, but at the expense of longer-leaning effects of a huge piece of the Filipinos. The most affected by globalization is not only the country’s education system, but also beyond – economically and socially. These include the brain drain, decline in quality of education because of profiteering, surplus labor, vulnerability of people working overseas, and declining family values.

One, the Philippines is a migrant worker country. This phenomenon is sending the workers (also known as overseas Filipino workers or OFWs) to work and send money home from abroad intensified globalization. Brain drain – and the exodus of talented and educated citizens of a country usually transfer from developed countries to better employment and living conditions – one of the problems that increased globalization. The Philippine foreign policy of labor diplomacy began in the 1970s, when rising oil prices caused by the boom in migrant labor contracts in the Middle East. The government of dictator Ferdinand Marcos, in the 1960s, the 1980s saw an opportunity to export young men left unemployed stagnant economy and established a system to regulate and stimulate the labor outflow. This scenario has led Filipinos to study courses like nursing, which secures jobs overseas rather than in their home country. For over 25 years, the export of the temporary workforce as nurses, engineers, IT professionals, caregivers, entertainers, housewives, factory workers, construction workers and sailors were sent overseas to be used. In return, the Philippine economy has benefited from monetary remittances of these OFWs. The last quarter of 2010, the Philippine economy gained roughly $ 18.76 billion in remittances, which largely came from OFWs based in the United States, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Italy, Germany, Norway.

Second, the demand was for foreign employment of Filipino professionals they affect the quality of the local education system as a fly-by-night, substandard schools, which are only aimed at profiteering. The Filipino legislators, Edgardo Angara, once aired concern about the spread of many schools, courses which believe that demanded foreign countries and the declining standard of education. Angara noted that the Philippines is too much access to education versus quality education. For example, every five kilometers in this country is a nursing school, a school computer, a school care and a beauty school. Angara suggested that legislators and educators need to find a happy formula for quality education.

Third, the impact of labor added another terrible globalization. In 2008, the brain drain, a phenomenon began to subside in the Philippines. This was the period when the United States began to experience financial turmoil was contagious, depressing countries around the world that depend on the economy. The Philippines, he thought that the demand for nurses has subsided because they are needed has already been filled. For example, the United States decided that instead of outsourcing to foreign nurses, they can employ local entrepreneurs to mitigate the local problem of rising unemployment. As a result of this incident it drew back the majority of the Filipino phenomenon of college students taking up nursing. And the unfortunate consequence of the surplus labor nursing graduates. This is a dilemma that has caused a third world country like the Philippines is trying to cope with globalization, labor outflows characteristic of Filipinos leaving the double whammy. More than 287 000 nursing graduates are currently unemployed or in jobs other than nursing. Nursing graduates are now suffering job mismatch, taking jobs that are different from their field of specialization, such as working in a call center, in English tutors for if you did not stay unemployed because the Philippine hospitals only a few vacancies at all which presumably busy with a large number of nursing graduates. In addition, it is accepted by the professionals of the voluntary hospitals and clinics have little or no monetary benefits or trainees who are burdened political violence pays hospitals for training.

Fourth, the dilemma is that globalization has assumed the Philippines, the vulnerability of foreign workers. For example, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates and Taiwan, had no choice but to lay down and repatriate Filipino guest workers in the light of the global financial crisis. Furthermore, the threat of a Saudization this affect the Philippines today. There are about 1.4 million OFWs in Saudi Arabia is in danger of losing their jobs because the Arab nation performs Saudization program that will prioritize employment of Arab citizens. So far, more than 1.5 million OFWs, Saudi Arabia, the country that has the highest concentration of OFWs. It is the largest tenant of the Filipino workers and the Filipino population is the largest in the Middle East. The majority of OFWs in Saudi Arabia hosts the problem of these Filipino workers lose their jobs and return to their homeland, where employment opportunities are scarce national threat. Furthermore, the current national instability in countries such as Syria and Libya threatened the lives of OFWs who still chose to remain in the workplace due to foreign economic reasons, which they find more severe across their safety.

Finally, as a result of the globalization of social costs, which include the challenges of Filipino families. Possessing strong family bonds, and shares of Filipino families sacrifice a significant amount of financial resources in order to support the relatives. Filipino parents in the belief that the education of children guaranteed promising futures and affordable decent life. Thus, due to the limited job opportunities in the Philippines that do not support the needs of families, one or both parents leave to work outside the country. As a result, the Filipino children, although their educational goals and well-being sustained, would have to survive from one or both parents from them. They will deal with surviving member of a large family, such as aunts, uncles, grandparents who remain to take care of them. This Filipino children deprived of parental support and guidance, as are separate from the primary family members.

In reality, though Filipino families have experienced the financial benefits of a family member cut the country itself to work overseas, a trend favored not by The majority of Filipinos. The poorest can not afford to miss, and work overseas. In addition, volatile market forces, the value of the US dollar, which is used as a currency OFW salaries fluctuated, rising gas prices and road fees for highways, as well as the continued surge in the cost of living in the Philippines, in general, globalization has been ruled out for long term economic growth in the country, the masses suffer a lot. In fact, human capital and technological know-how is important to growth, the Philippines has lost by globalization professionals in developed countries, on the other hand, experienced a “brain drain”.

Moreover, globalization has both positive and negative effects, but in the Philippines it’s more of a negative event. It is appropriate that means that globalization is “uneven progress” and that most of the least developing countries will not increase significantly in the light of globalization. Those that overwhelmingly benefited the rich and powerful countries of the Western world and Asia.

The Philippines was once like “knowledge capital of Asia”, especially in the 1960s and 1970s. The higher education system was characterized by high quality comparable to that of neighboring countries, much lower tuition, and the ruling of English as the teaching. The Philippines, therefore, was able to persuade the students to neighboring nations such as Chinese, Thai, Korean. Currently, however, this one is optimistic image has been replaced by a dreary one, because many of the problems that have long been confronted with a system like the budget mismanagement, poor quality, and job variation, thereby seriously affecting the consumers and end products – the Philippines -szigeteki students. So make matters affecting the graduates of the Philippine university globalization tempts them to decide to work overseas because of greater monetary benefits associated opposite to the disadvantage of their families at home and not spend your compatriots. Now that the world is going through a financial crisis, the Filipino workers will deal with these terrible effects of globalization.

Apparently, the Philippines stagnated, compared to goals by increasing equality, integration of rapid economic growth on a global scale and ubiquity of social improvement in the less developed countries. These are the fruits of globalization, unfortunately, does not drip down a lot in the Philippines. Therefore, although the overseas legal since the employment opportunities of local workers, then it is time that the Philippine government to encourage colleges and universities to programs that are relevant to the nature of this essentially agricultural country like objects related to agriculture, because this play a significant role in the direction of motion of the Philippine economy development. The population explosion in this country, which is generally considered as including the country’s predicaments as surging number of Filipinos is proportional to the employment opportunities available indirectly, to live the people by encouraging additional development and improvement of rural agricultural areas of employment. The rich Filipino families who own large conglomerates should take into account the number of jobs involved and encouraging dignified working conditions in order to alleviate the distressing trend of labor migration. In fact, instead of on the adoption of strong policies in Western countries like the United States, and go with the flow, the Philippine government is working to strengthen the welfare of citizens than anything else. (Sheena Ricarte, August 31, 2011).


Source by Sheena B Ricarte

Girl Jamaica Kincaid – a poetic meditation on the life of authors


Jamaica Kincaid is a writer in the Caribbean who is the winner of awards such as the 1985 International Paris Ritz Hemingway, Anifield wolf and Purple -Wallace Reader’s Digest Fund. Her most poetic masterpiece “Girl” is a direct example of his life in Antigua.

Elaine Potter Richardson, better known as Jamaica Kincaid was born on May 25, 1949 tiny islands of Antigua and Barbuda. Annie Richardson was born in mother and father did not know he lived with his mother and stepfather. During this time, that most critics believe that the girl based in Jamaica Kincaid.

Kincaid finished secondary school in Antigua during the British colonial education system. Later, he went to America at the age of sixteen to work as an au pair for three years in Westchester, New York. He was awarded a full scholarship to attend Franconia College in New Hampshire for a year.

After a year in college he suddenly stopped to proceed with the first writing career and began working ingenue magazine. While here he began to write a series of articles, and that’s when he changed his name to Jamaica Kincaid.

started to gain recognition and noticed the editor of the “New Yorker”, William Shawn. Later, he became a staff writer in the “New Yorker”, and the next nine years, was a magazine in the section “Talk of the town”.

In 1983, he published his first book, called “bottom of the river.” This book contains a series of short stories, poems are known as specific individuals. The majority of the titles have been published in the New Yorker, but he combined everything into a dreamlike reflection of his life with his mother when he lived in Antigua.

This was the beginning of his illustrious writing career as the year went on product and address listed in the following materials:

o In 1978, the poem “Girl Jamaica Kincaid,” published for the first magazine, and later in the book’s title: “at the bottom of the river.”

o In 1984, the bottom of the river

o In 1985, Annie John

o In 1988, a small place

o 1989 Annie, Gwen, Lilly, Pam and tulips

o in 1990, Lucy and biographies of the dress

essay o 1991, An was seeing England for the first time

o 1995 autobiography My Mother

o 1997 My Brother

o 1998, writers and gardeners of plants like: Favorite Plant

o 1999 My Garden

o 2001, Talk stories and my garden; It was a film called Life and debt.

o 2002, Mr. Potter

Kincaid fiction can not be formally described autobiographical, but work both fiction and nonfiction always also highly acclaimed. He writes and expresses feelings and life experiences also affected the wrath of the political spectrum with the Antiguans will not reach the independence.

For example, in his novel “Lucy” examines the experiences of the young West Indian Au Pair, which is simultaneously a lot of thought and life, and his colleagues.

He later married his son, William Shawn, Professor Allan called Soma. Now living in Bennington, Vermont, and their two children. We continue to believe Girl Jamaica Kincaid one of the best contemporary poetry, which used to be a Caribbean-born writer and poet.


Source by Colin Scott

Top 10 Reasons for Dating a Filipino girl


Many Western men choose to build a relationship with her in the Philippines. Some even choose to marry a Filipino. But what makes Filipino women so wanted?

first Filipino girls are famous for their beauty .

certainly stand out in Asian women in terms of charm and femininity. If you think otherwise may have never seen Angela Perez Baraquio – the first Asian-American and Filipino American who was crowned Miss America 2001 and Miss Hawaii.

2. Filipino girls are a pleasure to around because the disposition and personality.

Since the birth of Filipinas raise a special sense of honor Delikadesa names (or Delicadeza). Delicadeza a Spanish phrase which, when translated in English means grace. According to the definition of decorum, an act that refined and delicate tastes and manners.
Delikadesa This is what gives these admirable qualities of Filipino women and distinguishes them from western women. You will never find the appropriate Philippine bring shame onto himself and his family from lying, cheating, stealing, running around to different people or flunking out of school. This is one of Delikadesa – pride, to do the right thing.

3. Filipinas understanding, patient and calm .

Most Filipino girl never involved in an altercation or a loud argument simply because it does not fit a real woman. They are taught to speak politely, gentle voice. Arguing is not only acceptable, and the public criticism. This soft spoken, quiet and understanding the nature of Philippine Ladies the desired properties to strive for Filipinas.

4. Philippine her generous and naturally caring and support.

The common spirit of survival of the United Filipinos for centuries generosity and loyalty to the family of an old tradition. A caring and supportive nature of Filipinas is evident in the fact that they are not thriving businesses or orphanages, old people’s home in the Philippines – they never leave a child or a family member in need.

5. Philippine She believes in a single a man woman relationship.

Because there is no “absolute divorce” in the Philippines, Filipinas are raised much of the sanctity of marriage, and is believed to be a lifetime commitment. Some, in fact many people take these beauties Philippines, I swear that the best wives in the world – loyal, loving and faithful have been death.

6. Philippine woman in front of her family for the first time money .

loyalty to family tradition that is characteristic of Filipino society. In the Philippines, the family has always been of great importance. Filipino women, whom many people like that in a relatively poor country, view the close loving bonds of the family, such as wealth. They are more willing to sacrifice career as a family.

7. Filipinas excellent home keepers.

Filipino domestic women’s equal responsibility for the fact that a good wife – their own source of great pride for them and make every effort to create a warm and loving environment for your family. The Philippine even yelling at home would mean, but a view of your home, so you will probably never find a Philippine woman screaming or breaking dishes.

8. Filipinas well trained.

The Philippine culture attaches great importance to a college education. Pride in the school performance have been vaccinated Filipinas child and female college enrollment is higher than male. It affects the social positions as well. Unlike other Asian countries, where women tend to be more subordinate position to the Philippines for business more accepting of women engaged in business. This is evident in the current Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo – Philippines is the second woman to hold this esteemed position.

9. Filipino girls are religious.

The Philippines is predominantly Roman Catholic (the only Christian nation in the Far East), and it is common among Philippine families raise their children in the Church. So do not be surprised if the Philippine her more devoted to her religion as you are to yours.

10 Filipino-American marriages are more successful , as the American-American marriages.

An interesting fact is that according to statistics implemented by the Philippine-American marriages dating services at lower divorce rate (20%) than the standard American-American marriages (about 40%). Still, vary according to the statistics, the use of that resource.

course have made some generalizations here, but basically it was supposed to answer the question of why so many people prefer a Philippine girls dating. If you too decide to give it a try, and to this day in the Philippines, I wish you good luck – who knows, you might find the girl he was looking for.


Source by Jonas Patterson

Warrior Woman – Ida B. Wells-Barnett


In the latter part of the social theories of the last century against Ida B. Wells-Barnett was a strong shock to the majority white male ideologies have time. Ida Wells was born July 16, 1862, Holly Springs, Mississippi. This was the second year of the Civil War, and he was born a slave family. His mother, Lizzie Warrenton, was a cook; and his father, James, was a carpenter. Ida’s parents believed that education was very important, and after the war, they enrolled their children in the Rust College, established by the local school freedmen Aid Society (Hine 1993). Established in 1866, newly released set up schools and colleges for the Company slaves in the south, and it was the Rust College, Ida learned to read and write.

Everything changed Ida summer he turned sixteen. Both of her parents and baby brother died during a yellow fever epidemic and Ida left to care for the remaining five siblings. He began to teach in rural schools $ 25 per month, and a year later, a job in Memphis, Tennessee, the city’s segregated black schools. Arriving at Memphis teaching salaries were higher than Mississippi, Wells-Barnett revealed that although there was no demand for educated individuals to teach, there was a greater demand for skilled as well. According to Salley (1993), because it was required qualifications in order to teach enrolled at Fisk University and gained a qualification in one year. While returning to Memphis teaching a convention in New York, he met with racial provocation for the first time while traveling by train. Ida asked the driver to go to a segregated car, despite the fact that women have paid a ticket to the coach car.

He refused to leave and was bitten on the hand of a conductor, he forcibly pushed the wagon. He sued the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad and won $ 500 in a local court. Despite the fact that he won the case, the headlines read, “Darky GETS DAMAGES girl,” and the decision was appealed to the Tennessee Supreme Court reversed and (Bolden, 1996). He was ordered to pay court will release the amount of $ 200 This incident enraged Ida and encouraged her to explore and report on other incidents of racism. Outraged by the uneven black-and-white schools in Memphis and Jim Crow segregation unfair, Ida became a community activist and began writing articles call attention to the plight of African Americans. He wrote a weekly black newspaper, The Living Road. Wells-Barnett’s teaching career ended her ‘dismissal in 1891 to protest conditions of black schools “(Salley, 1993, page 115). During his time as a school teacher, Wells-Barnett, black and other teachers said that they had gathered, and the “common writing and debate Friday night, and made a newspaper that the week’s events and gossip.” (Lengermann and Niebrugge-Brantley, 1998, p.151). The newspaper Memphis Free Speech and Headlight officially allocated and published and marketed as whole communities Back a year after being laid off. She said that her motivation was to be a social analyst with the results of his involvement in the Memphis Free Speech and headlights both editor and journalist under the pseudonym Lola and part-owner. Unfortunately, the printing press was destroyed and he was run out of town on a white mob (Sally, 1993). After getting dismissed from his teaching post, the girl’s attention, and then moved to the schools, the question that dominates the work of most of his life; lynching. lynching was a brutal and unlawful killing of black men and women are often falsely accused of crimes, usually committed by a violent and massive white mob.

During this Era of Reconstruction after the Civil War that black men in civilian immediate gains, such as voting, holding public office, and the owner of the land. However, groups such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), developed at the turn of the century as a response. They made it difficult for southern blacks to vote, or in peace, trying to maintain White supremacy through force and violence, including lynching (Salzman, 2004). Infuriated the Memphis lynching in 1892, which involved a close friend, Ida, expressed his grief in an editorial: “The city of Memphis has demonstrated that neither character nor was living in the Negro if you dare to defend himself against the white man or the It will be a rival. There’s nothing you can do the lynching now, as without outnumbered and armrests. therefore, only one thing left that you can do to save your money and leave town, that does not protect our lives and property, not us a fair hearing in court when accused persons White “(Hine, 1993).

However, Wells saw what actually lynching; an excuse to “keep a nigga down,” and finally to black people “who have acquired wealth and property.” (Duster, 1971) This sparked an investigation of the causes lynching him. Since the whites did not have any of the black slaves found a mob of violent means other than maintaining a system of “economic, psychological and sexual exploitation” (Duster, 1971).

In addition, the results of his study and editorial triggered the black community to retaliate and encourage all those who leave and those who remain to boycott the city Railroad Company. Ida saw the success of the boycott, and claimed that “the appeal of the white man’s pocket once powerful than all the appeals ever made a conscience.” (Duster, 1971)

As mentioned earlier, as well Barnett racial identity, his social theory is well developed in the unfolding events included experienced by the community after the first generation of African-American emancipation (Lengerman and Niebrugge-Brantley, 1998). According Lengerman and Niebrugge-Brantley (1998): “This community took a presumption that the white dominance and the accompanying doctrine of white supremacy had to face was American social Darwinism, which is tan white intellectual legitimacy white, which meant the Anglo-Saxon at this time. imperialism, foreign dominance at home, that dogma, such as James K. Hosmer is considered a “brief history of Anglo-American Freedom” (p. 159). Wells-Barnett social theory radical non-Marxist conflict theory focuses on “a pathological interaction of differences and power in American society. A condition that variously label of oppression, domination, oppression, tyranny, subjugation, oppression, tyranny and American conflict. “(Lengerman and Niebrugge-Brantley, 1998, p.161).

Her social theory can be considered a” black feminist sociology “, and according to Lengerman and Niebrugge-Brantley (1998), there were four themes presented in the theory . one of his aims for social analysis and the appropriate method of project with two of his model of the social world, three, his theory of domination and four of his alternative rule Although these four themes were present in theory, could It assumes that the main theme of these four were the result of resistance against moral forms of oppression that is not an exaggeration to see that oppression was the main theme of his life.

Formerly an incredibly straight forward writing style proved a very bold argument against lynching, discredited excuse for rape and other excuses. specific examples and sociological theories Wells used to refute the justifications for southerners by lynching. it brochures, Wells represents the views of African -Americans beyond 1890. Southerners allowed widespread lynching hiding the excuse of “protecting the honor of women. ” (Royster Jones, 1997).

The charge of rape was used in many cases Lynch innocent African-American men. The victim often proved his innocence after his death. Wells argues that the black man raping white women is a downright lie. Wells supports the mutual relationship between the claims of several stories of white women and black men. White men are free to contact with colored women, but the colored people will receive the death relationships with white women (Duster, 1971). As Wells, whites used by the complaints of torture and murder African-Americans were false. There is no way for such crimes ever really justified because the victim of crime. Perhaps the most obvious reason for these crimes occurred in hatred and fear. differences between groups of people always caused by fear of the unknown, which translates into hatred. Whites are no longer dependent on the African-American slave labor for their livelihood. When African-Americans were slaves were regarded as “property” and “was obviously more profitable to sell slaves than to kill them” (Jones Royster, 1997). Any restriction of “property” and “profit” raised during and after Reconstruction whites could be freely tormented by their own fear and hatred and killing African-Americans.

Wells investigations revealed that, regardless of whether it was a poor and the unemployed middle-class, educated and successful, all vulnerable lynching blacks. The black women were victims of mob violence and terror. Occasionally there were lynched the alleged offenses and insults, but more often these women were survivors of those lynched. Up to this time, African-Americans have almost never been free from some kind of persecution; The reconstruction period was particularly difficult. The events of the lynching continues to grow without hope of relenting, the provision of new-found freedom a small security. Finally, Wells was in Chicago in 1893 to protest against racism, exclusion of African Americans from the World’s Fair. With the help of Frederick Douglass, she distributed 20,000 booklets “in the US so the color is not the Columbian Exposition.” On June 27, 1895, she married Ferdinand Lee Barnett, a lawyer and editor of the Chicago Conservator, and continued to write while raising her four children (Duster, 1971).

Ida firmly believed in the power of the vote, a change in the African-American men and women. He saw the release of the key to reform and equality, and he integrated the march by the women’s suffrage movement in 1913 Suffrage Parade Washington, DC, the Illinois delegation is all white (Sterling, 1979). He continued to write in his later years, and remains one of the most widely syndicated columnists Black America. He published articles on racial issues and injustices that are printed on African American newspapers across the country. Toward the end of his life, Ida worked to social and political concerns of African-Americans in Chicago. He’s run unsuccessfully as an independent candidate for the Illinois State Senate in 1930 and died the following year of kidney disease uremia (Duster, 1971). Wells-Barnett’s influence was profound. When the federal government built the first low-income housing projects in Chicago “Black belt” in 1940, it was named in his honor (Sterling, 1979). In his autobiography, published posthumously, daughter Alfreda Duster in Chicago in 1971, he helped to found some black women’s and reform organizations, such as the Ida B. Wells Club, the Alpha Suffrage Club of Chicago and the Chicago Negro Fellowship League. He also served as director of Chicago in Cook County League of Women’s Clubs. These clubs were assets of blacks to join together to support and organize to effect change (Duster, 1971). At national level, the Wells-Barnett was a central figure in the founding of the National Association of Colored Women, visible organizations have the right child care, job training, capital and wages, as well as against lynching and segregation delivery.

Ida B. Wells-Barnett passion for the truth has rights tireless crusader African Americans and women. He was a social reformer, a suffragist, civil rights activist and philanthropist. His writings, regardless of the risk to his own safety and life, raised public awareness and participation in the treatment of many social ills such oppression, murder or African Americans. The setting up of his seniority numerous clubs and organizations has improved the lives of the people. His work in Chicago, in his final years, focused on providing the needs of the city’s African-American population. Modeled after Jane Addams settlement efforts, Wells town houses black men where they could live and securely access leisure entertainment while they are seeking employment (Hines, 1993). Ida B. Wells-Barnett, sometimes referred to as “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement.” He refused to move the seat only in white wagon eighty years ago, the famous Rosa Parks was an Alabama bus. He urged the black community to take action to gain political rights, in the same way that successfully used much later, in the civil rights movement, such as economic and transport boycott (Hines, 1993).

Similarly, Margaret Sanger (birth control movement) and Susan B. Anthony (women’s suffrage movement), Wells-Barnett was a woman who dedicated her whole life to maintain his strong belief in social reform. He began to write the differences in education and school conditions of black children and spent his life working to abolish lynching public awareness (Hines, 1993). Ida, for example, through her writing, speaking, and various service organizations, raised his voice to women’s equality and suffrage. He was a pioneering black female journalist, and led a very public life when most women, black or white, is not actively involved in the man’s world of politics. Ida B. Wells-Barnett was subject to a number of prominent leaders and reformers, male and female, in her lifetime. Among them: Jane Addams (1860-1935) was a social reformer, a social worker and the founder of Hull House in Chicago, the most famous houses in the village. Addams and Wells-Barnett worked together successfully to prevent segregation in public schools in Chicago (Sterling, 1979). He is also connected to WEB DuBois (1868-1963), who was a renowned black scholar, sociologist, researcher, writer and civil rights activist who voice opposition to the views of his contemporaries accomodationist, Booker T. Washington (1856-1915). Washington has urged African Americans to focus on self-improvement instead of pressing economic opportunities, education and political rights are white.

Ida B. Wells outwardly disagreed with the position of Booker T. Washington died of his industrial education and the implication that “blacks were illiterate and immoral, Tuskegee coming. “(Hine, 1993) indignant words, he is considered to reject a college education as a” bitter pill. ” (Hine, 1993). He wrote an article “on Booker T. Washington and critics’ industry-related education. “This gospel of work is not new to the negro. This south-old practice of slavery in a new dress.” (Hine, 1993).

He felt that focusing only on industry education would limit the opportunities for aspiring young blacks and Washington saw no better than whites to lynch justified their actions. Wells-Barnett DuBois joined the belief that African-Americans should be militantly demanding civil rights, and the two worked together on several occasions, most fundamentally co-founder of the NAACP. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), which was Ida B. Wells-Barnett is a founding member, is still thriving organization of thousands of members nationwide (Hines, 1993). The association continues to support litigation and civil rights for African-Americans.

There are two primary questions to which Wells-Barnett worked for anti-lynching and women’s suffrage, now no longer matters. Lynching a federal crime and women received the vote in 1920, the passage of the nineteenth amendment to the Constitution. For this reason related groups have arisen, such as the Anti-lynching League, the freed slave Aid Society and the National Association of Colored Women no longer exists. Still, the League of Women Voters was founded as an outgrowth of the suffragist movement and an organization that educates men and even women voters in their responsibilities. Wells-Barnett’s contribution to the sociology of such significance that his work “prevents or as old as her canonical consent White male thinkers as Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Georg Simmel and George Herbert Mead, as well as the contributions of white female sociologists like Adams , Gilman, Marianne Weber, Webb and the Chicago Women “(Lengerman and Niebrugge-Brantley, 1998, p.171). Ms. Wells-Barnett is an example of the power of the written word and the determination to succeed despite the odds. He is an African-American woman, the daughter of slaves and considered the lowest of the low historical totem pole of American society and his tenacity, ambition, courage and the desire for the truth of history changed. He was direct and to the power held at a time when it was unthinkable to a woman, especially a black woman. The reformer of his age, he believed African-Americans to organize themselves and fight for independence against white oppression. He alerted the White South and began a bitter defense of awakening the conscience of the nation.

Him campaign, writings and agitation raised crucial issues for the future Back to the Americans. Today, African-Americans do not rally against oppression than the ones before. Gone are the days when blacks jointly organized; Today blacks live in a society that does not want to get involved as a whole. What this generation do not realize that although Jim Crow days are gone, it is important to realize that the fight for equality never ends. In the preface to On lynchings: Southern Horrors, The Red recorded and the Mob Rule in New Orleans (a compilation of his major works), he writes: “The African-American is not a bestial race if this work could contribute to prove that all around, and at the same time arouse. conscience of the American people to demand the truth that every citizen, and the punishment of the law illegal, I feel like I have to compete with the service. other aspects of minor importance “(Wells, 1969).


Source by Kathy Henry

Fidel Castro Career Pro Baseball revolution or a Home Run?


This is a story that falls into the category of “urban legend”. The story is that Fidel Castro was given a chance to join the Major League Baseball team in 1949, and no. The story is based on a widespread rumor and leads armchair historians say, “What if …”

Here’s the story:

Castro had a try-out of a large baseball team, the New York Yankees and Washington Senators, and was rejected.

How would the 20th century would have been different if Castro became a ballplayer in the US, but the dictator of Cuba? Well, no sense of thinking, because the chance never existed. The story is completely false.

This is just a rumor, that blown out of proportion, but one of the reasons why so attractive to the American Major League Baseball player on the team is actively seeking Cuba 1940s. In addition, the US team several Cuban baseball players than any other foreign player, with the exception of the Dominican Republic.

Finally, it would have been more comfortable Fidel Castro’s detractors to believe that you may have given up on the whole revolution and ideology to toss a baseball in America a lot of money. If this were true, it could damage the credibility of the case. Maybe a lot of people want to believe.

It is also worth noting the two teams, which are usually used in the story: the “Yankee” (probably because they rejected him, spent the next 48 years going on tirades against them), and “senators”, a professional baseball team the nation’s capital.

FACTS magazine published by the magazine and only people with very interesting publication named the world’s largest Fidel Castro FACTS Collection at between Http://
hundreds little-known facts – with a few describing Fidel Castro never materialized professional baseball career.

So, here is the truth:

Castro played for the University of Havana. Scouts of the Pittsburgh Pirates considering a deal with Castro. They were looking for players to Havana and saw Castro because of his curve ball. Don Hoak played against the Pittsburgh Pirates Castro and told him his whole life. He said that Castro threw a fastball that such a large internal Hoak asked the referees to remove him from the game. The Pirates scouts did not see the same potential. He felt that he was not fast enough and not worth signing.

Castro claims that the Giants offered him $ 5,000 as a college grant and she refused. It is impossible to verify this story as a variety of sources, according to slightly different details, and none of them can be checked. However, Castro always used the story in her favor, saying that he refused the offer of American capitalists, because the country has for the first time. Many Cuban players followed in his footsteps, but many have fled the country to play in the US major leagues.

Castro not only played baseball college days, he was a die-hard baseball fan all his life. He asked Joe DiMaggio baseball it is a dedicated, DiMaggio and agreed to give him one, hoping it would help deflate US-Cuba relations.

The fact that so many Cuban baseball players to leave the country a thorn in the side of the dictator. Stories of players daring escapes from Cuba say, whenever he spoke, and it is a source of humiliation Castro. These players are seen as the bad examples of other Cuban children who want to play baseball, and the pictures and the American baseball can not be easily separated.

is not true that the Yankees, Giants and Senators Castro offered a bonus to play them, but it is very likely that the Scouts pirates in mind for him. Still, given the commitment to the cause of Cuba, it is highly doubtful that he ditched to go out and play baseball in the United States. But, like all urban legends and rumors of a good story is a good story.

On the back while real facts (and many are) by the person concerned – look at the world’s largest land Fidel Castro FACTS Collection – Http://


Source by Glen Eastman

Diversity Recruitment – how to recruit, Engage and retain a diverse workforce


In the United States the population is undoubtedly diverse. Over the past 20 years, there was no significant increase in the proportion of women, immigrants and people of different ethnic groups and different cultural backgrounds. Fifty percent of the US workforce is now a different ethnic or cultural! In some areas of California’s multicultural workers comprise 70 percent of the workforce. Oxnard or Santa Ana, California, Laredo, Texas, El Paso, Texas, and other US cities, multicultural workers make up 90 percent of the workforce. There are a staggering 900% of the 700–growing multicultural population in Tennessee, Georgia, Iowa, and other places.

The government and the companies to be competitive, innovative and secure, and keep the market share, it is essential to recruit and retain a diverse workforce involvement. Building a diverse workforce brings energy and creativity of the workforce. An environment of inclusion where people feel valued and integrated into the company’s mission and vision, regardless of their cultural backgrounds leads to greater productivity. The dimensions of diversity resources are used to success and growth of the government and the companies.

In order to create a diverse pool of candidates, for a company to go where the candidates.

College, a historically large numbers of women and people of different cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds.

Career day at the middle and high schools are racially different areas into a different outlet to discuss the benefits of working in the organization and industry people interested in the topic before you go to college.

suppliers and service providers, champion diversity should be encouraged to take and probably helps to funnel the growing number of highly qualified and diverse candidates.

is an internal system that would help to inform employees of available positions spread the word and attract new candidates. The hiring process should be simplified to encourage prospective new employees.

It goes without saying that should be based on qualifications, not the comfort level of the lease. But easier said than done. People tend to feel to feel close to those that resemble themselves. This concept should be understood intellectually, but you can practice every day in the field.

The definition must consider the effective leadership qualities. One has to be aware of prejudices of other cultures, communication styles and decision-making processes, so as not to interfere with the recruitment and admissions decision.

One way for an organization to develop an in-house diversified talent to continue to mentor people with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds and incorporate ideas from other cultures, solve problems, and more innovative.

The recruiting process is the gateway to the company. Interviews with a variety of different perspectives panel inspire and impart a better interaction with candidates. The recruiting team who have been trained in diversity awareness and inclusion are willing to go beyond their comfort zone to attract the best candidates. Diversity training will reduce and mitigate the impact of biases and stereotypes in the workplace environment. Intercultural communication training to help the staff work well together and be more effective. Outside recruiters hired by any company not only positive, but also a diverse workforce themselves.

The carefully-planned media, PR and advertising strategy is essential for an organization to achieve diversity and maintain a diverse workforce.

Diversity should be part of the mission and should be clearly visible. New diversity initiatives, internal changes in the diversity and diversity objectives by which an organization must meet widely published to identify the company as a good place to work. Recruits will look for alternative employers, if a company can not claim as that is the value of diversity.

Relations with ethnic community leaders and community organizations to generate goodwill and demonstrate that the company appreciates the community as a source of future employee recruitment. In addition, potential qualified candidates are not afraid or intimidated, but will be motivated to apply and pursue their careers in companies and organizations perceived that the “friend of the community.”

ethnic media advertising not only allows the body to direct (and lower prices) demographic, but also marked the company’s brands as a friend of the community. It makes it tangible, accessible and encourages candidates and influential that are more susceptible to such a potential employer.

Link to related to diversity organizations, including the African-American student organizations, the Spanish and Latin student organizations, and Asian-American academics and ethnically diverse professional associations and organizations such as the Asian MBA and Spanish Chamber Trade can be an invaluable tool to communicate with professional and diverse population. Ultimately, this leads to an increase in the flow of qualified and diverse candidates to walk in the company’s front door. Do not let the distortion excludes excellent candidates.


Source by Mostapha Saout

Personality of Shakespeare’s Macbeth Murder


Sigmund Freud, perhaps the most famous psychologist of all time, he explained the personality as a result of the interplay of three opposing forces of the mind. It took the view that each individual’s personality depends on the outcome of the battle between selfish instincts triple, moralistic conscious and realistic thinking. support a new trend in other models in the development of personality, such as social learning theory, which states that, through the personality of simply studying interactions with other people (almost like a chemical reaction) and the humanistic theory which suggests checked by personal process of inner-directed to increase self-improvement. One of Shakespeare’s most popular play, the tragedy of Macbeth, provide an interesting medium for the study of three theories of personality.

First, let us examine Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality, character used as Macbeth. If we are to confirm this theory, the battle must be made Macbeth’s mind the three forces as well. This is not – in fact, three factors are the same as Freud’s categories exactly Macbeth consumption or King of Scotland (selfish instincts), the belief that he did not become king, except by killing Duncan (realistic thinking) and the hesitation that the king lives in order to further this selfish system (moral awareness). Freud, however, insists that all human beings are born inherent desire to harm others, and while Macbeth is clearly the villain of the game and is responsible for the deaths of more than one character who takes no pleasure in it. In fact, it seems repulsed by his own actions, and if it were not sustained at the urging of his bloodthirsty wife, he may very well have left his evil intentions before they were brought to ruin.

Another theory of personality development, social learning theory, derived from the work of Gabriel Tarde, which suggests that personality is developed primarily through imitation. It supports this ideology argue that Macbeth’s personality, as well as the method of inheritance in question is not the result of some interesting clash between forces of his head, but he was, in fact, simply a learned behavior. This is a very plausible theory – and one of which is the history seems to support. The nine kings that preceded the historical Macbeth, all but two were killed, or directly to their offspring or the result of some feud. Self-efficacy in social learning phrase refers to the belief that man is able to achieve its goals which should be the man. Following the example of his predecessors, it will display high self-efficacy Macbeth, the witches fulfill the prophecy and become the king of Scotland.

The third main theory of personality humanistic school, according to which human beings as basically good, but it paints a picture of a society often destructive force that tends to create unattainable self-concept; these are unrealistic expectations gradually descending to the individual’s personality, which is the bitterness, and if left unchecked, sometimes aggression. Following this model, the witches represent society. The prophecy creates an unrealistic self-image distortion Macbeth is basically good-natured and lead to violent acts. Humanists, however, emphasized the trend toward individual personality growth and self-realization. They believe that goes against itself capable of holding its own forces in society, so you can cast, but is not limited. This particular aspect of humanistic theory does not coincide with the overall development of the game.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the “personality” comes from the Greek word persona, which can be translated as a mask. It is noteworthy, perhaps, is that while modern readers describe the mask is a device used to disguise the identity, it was the ancient theatrical tradition, but a congressional utilized to characterize a particular character. Shakespeare’s Macbeth is probably a typing a reluctant killer, a weak man, not really looking to the detriment of others, but were led astray by the dark forces of the surrounding world – and no matter which theory of personality is applied above, this is the end of an inability to curb external or internal forces which Macbeth anger about his tragic and bloody end.


Source by Walter Wykes

Grief and Loss – Losing their parents, for children


Weenolsen (1988), the loss can be characterized as anything that will damage some aspect of life or self. According to Worden (2002) sorrow can be described as the experience of someone who has lost a significant relationship, or even an attachment to another person. These concepts are directly related to the loss of a parent. Losing a parent is extremely difficult because of the loss of subsidies and characteristics that identify the place and role of a parent that is very special (Despelder & Strickland, 2005). The grieving process pose a variety of changes within these different roles. Older adults who lose their parents will not process, or hurts like a child who has lost a parent. I feel that both of these specific roles and experiences are most important. Questions of culture is a constant change throughout society how to work through or reflects the loss of their loved ones. Support for children and adults is an important part of the mourning process and should be linked characteristics of children and adults who have a role to play and how to respond to such a loss.

Due to modern technology, only about 4% of children experience the loss of a parent before age 18 years (Archer, 1999). In comparison, in the late 1700’s early 1800’s, many children had no parents to make life more difficult for children (Quito & Fox, 1980). You can not talk about the loss of a parent, the child does not speak segments of binding and other developmental theory. Attachment according to Davies (2004) is a special emotional connection between two people. According to Archer (1999), Bowlby indicated that the children are able to mourn and cry about when they become binding processes established at six months and one year of age (Archer, 1999; Worden, 2002).

According Weenolsen (1988), reactions to grief and mourning begins in the early stages of infancy and learning when the child begins to understand that under the control of the environment, slowly increasing differentiation and lose their addiction. The mourning this loss is the dependence of the child’s ability to gain control over their environment is not obvious weeping and searching behavior to train the child reacts this way to have access to care (Weenolson, 1988). This instinctive reaction, continue to apply in the future separation and loss (Weenolsen, 1988). Rando (1988) asserts that babies cry when removed from the care of the mother and (especially) to assist in restoring nourishing relationship, thus reducing separation. These theoretical positions seem to be consistent with the attachment theory, proactive responses to this separation. Also, people do not understand or comprehend separation, if not oblivious to control their own abilities in order to meet their needs for environmental conditions. It is obvious that the reaction or for understanding the meaning of death of children would require a sufficient cognition.

The loss of a parent and the answer is due to what Bowlby described as the loss of a child “safe haven” or a “safe base” to explore the world (Davies, 2004). One would assume that this disruption would impact the safety of the child in exploring the development of a child, and sometimes hinder you need, environmental interactions. According to Archer (1999) belongs to the reactions to the loss of parents due to their mourning process while children; pining, employs craving, seeking, or call. According to Littlewood (1992), Bowlby clarified that this reaction to the loss of instinctive; and the search of the lost object (the parent), although unsuccessful, you can perform anyway. Although many reactions due to a variety of circumstances chosen by children as a response to the emotional stress; These responses are considered specifically the loss of a parent (Archer, 1999). In addition, a number of emotional disturbances bring depression and anxiety disorders; and sleep disorders (Archer, 1999). Early

children 2-5 years. When it seems that there are issues in terms of parental loss (Rando, 1988) These display regressive behavior, obsession over between questions and conditions, and may bear the anxiety and anger toward the deceased (Rando, 1988). There will also lay the guilt and responsibility for the loss of a parental figure (Despelder & Strickland, 2005). Some of these reactions can be clearly seen in my four-year-old son, Jonathan, who lost his grandmother in the past year; It seemed to be obsessed with the funeral, and what he saw.

Ages 8-12 years. you may feel helpless and experience reawakened feelings of childlessness (Rando, 1988). Children at this age also are trying to suppress those feelings at risk complicated grief reactions (Rando, 1988). This would be in line with Eric Erickson’s stages of psychosocial development with regard to the stage of “industry versus inferiority.” According Longress (2000) and Anderson, Carter and Lowe (1999), there is a push of the child will be “diligent” and is included in this stage of development. It seems obvious that admitting too childish and helpless feelings would be difficult at this time.

According to Worden (2002), when the death of a parent to occur in childhood or adolescence, the child does not grieve effectively and this can cause problems with depression and disturbances to eliminate that close contact with others (p.159). According to Rando (1988), depression, denial, anger and feelings that are designed to counter acts of helplessness, dependency and inertia that adolescents feel. This response is consistent with examination of Erickson psychosocial sections (Berger, 2001; Longress, 2000;.. Anderson et al, 1999). While adolescents have a tendency to find those “identity” and the parent role modeling figure who provides relevant help and encourage this process (Berger, 2001; Longress, 2000;.. Anderson et al, 1999). It is understandable that a teenager may feel because of weak, helpless, dependent, angry and even death of the parental figure.

In regards to meaning, Fiorini and Mullen (Article) clarifies that it is very important to describe the meaning of the grief and the loss of a developmental lens. According to Worden (2002), Murry Bowen made it clear that we must understand the role and position of a parent dying of the family system and the level of the adaptive abilities of family members during and after the loss of a parent. I feel it is important as a social worker this information to better understand what this system means a loss of the developing child in the family system. Many children of the loss of a parent means a loss of stability, security, nurturing, and love (Despelder & Strickland, 2005). According to Worden (2002), there is a need, cognitive processes and concepts to be worked out before it can fully comprehend the grief of the children. The factors are as follows;

Interpretation first time; and what ever is

2. The process of transformation

3. irreversibility concept

4. The causality

5. Specific operations

according to Worden (2002)

Figure 1.1

according before Archer (2002) childhood 5yrs. They believe that death is reversible. Many young children have maintained their minds to the point of lost parents in the figurative and not fully understand the conditions fixed-term cognitive development takes place until (Despelder & Strickland, 2005; Rando, 1988). This would allow Piaget’s findings in regards to the object of stability and development of the cognitive processes of children (Berger, 2001). According to Archer (2002), and Brent Speece indicated that children ages 5 to 7yrs. when you begin to understand the irreversibility of death. Furthermore, Archer (2002) in children less than 7-8 years. However, when represented by a lack of understanding with regard to the “death”. This is consistent with Piaget, according to Archer (2002) and Berger (2001) that in order to understand such a concept as death and irreversible, their conceptual ideas must be sufficiently developed.

Up to 9 years of age. However, when most of the children attribute the death of a parent to external forces such as God and the other (Carey, 1985). According to Rando (1988), although children 8-12 years of age. when you can have a clear understanding of what death is, and understand the irreversibility of the process, they are also willing to accept it.

Adolescent understanding and meaning regarding the death of a parent can be described as a terrifying shock and profound psychological tests. Because these children are beginning to process what Piaget called formal operational stage of development (Longress, 2000; Berger, 2001). The interrogation of spirituality and their mortality is associated with Erickson’s development in regards to finding and understanding the adolescents in the social and human identity in this section (Longress, 2000; Berger, 2001;. Anderson et al., 1999).

According to Littlewood (1992) indicates Studies Anderson (1949), Bow (1971) and Birtchnell (1975) that adults who lose their parents react to trends


growth of

first suicidal thoughts

second suicide

prices 3 clinical depression

according to Littlewood (1992)

Figure 1.2

reactions and emotions related to the loss of a parent as an adult differ according to their age (Rando, 1988). Adults in their twenties and thirties parents can view a substantial structures, and lose them I feel as if someone has been robbed. Repressed feelings to leave the children and regression is common and should not be ignored or (Rando, 1988). One will find themselves using annexes others, like children, friends, etc. in order to work through the grieving process (Rando, 1988). According to Rando (1988), it should be understood that the emotional nature of the relationship between an adult and a parent will have an effect that works through the process of grieving adults. With this information, we could assume that the more an adult undifferentiated identity in regards to the emotional parental relationship; the more difficult it is separation (McGoldrick, 1998). This would be in line with the selection in regards to attachment theory and reactions utilizing other attachments built in the absence of parental primer (Davies, 2004). According to Littlewood (1992) study bereaved balance Sanders (1980) concerning shows that parents who lose their parents reacted to high in two areas:

1. Increased fear of death

2. Loss of control

according Littlewood (1992)

Figure 1.3

according Littlewood (1992), increased anxiety on the result of the adult child feels as if the next are aa generation line to experience the death. The loss of control means the loss of a unique and important relationship with an adult child and the parent that the child sustained substantial support features (Littlewood, 1992; Despelder, 2005). Gender future, we think By Porter & Stone (1995) woman seems within the realm of major problems after the loss of significant relationships; Men generally through bigger problems to work out the grieving process.

The meaning of losing their parents than many adults, depending on the importance of the adult child / parent relationship (Rando, 1988). The parents were the most important and influential force in the lives of children; losing this special relationship that loses big in regards to support, past and childhood relationships and interpretation of conditions in the world (Rando, 1988). These changes according Rando (1988) & Despelder (2005) can be placed in a position for an adult, and the process is no longer viewing themselves as a child; so called “development boost.” According Despelder (2005), Rando (1988) and Littlewood (1992), the loss of the mother is usually more severe than for adults in the loss of a father. This information is based on two main factors:

1. The mother is usually the most nutritious

2. The mother is usually the last parents to experience the death of

Despelder ( 2005), Rando (1988) and Littlewood (1992) Figure 1.4

within Losing a parent is during adulthood that “no home” to go back, which leaves the person feeling alone and scared (Rando, 1988 ).

It seems that the death of a parent and may be the generally the process by which forces the adult child to get back to themselves, their role and expectations for their lives and the lives of the family of procreation. Irish

according to Lundquist and Nelsen (1993), cultures and how they react to define the meaning of death and the loss of a parent changes. If we look at the behavior and perception of death is different societies of the world are obvious differences between collectivist / individualist cultures and naturalist / upgraded cultures (Kalish, 1977). One key difference is that you can identify defective and can cause death in some cultures. Within this modern societies death could be attributed to the organization because of internal errors poor nutrition and health maintenance (Kalish, 1977). Our social modernization we are to blame for the creation of a person or the parent’s internal processes have led to his death; such as smoking, poor eating habits, etc. (Kalish, 1977). In other cultures, especially in isolated societies external influences would be the cause of the death of a parent, as evil spirits or magic (Kalish, 1977).

Other examples sorrow differences across cultures dull pain, excessive grief, somatization, and excessive grief (Al, Irish et.. 1993). According to the Irish et. al., (1993), Bali, if they do not remain emotionally calm and to dampen the process of grief after the death of a parent or any loved, sorcery and magic make a person sensitive to damage. Irish et. al. (1993) indicates terms Wika (1988) analysis of Egyptian culture over the constant suffering and grief of mourning for a long time. According Oltjenbruns (1998) on the basis of comparative test results of Mourning in Experience Inventory Mexican students and English students expressed that express the Mexican student results in much higher somatization scores, thus indicating that the Mexican culture seems to express due to the loss of large amounts of somatization . Intense pain and anger seems to be expressed throughout many cultures; the opening of this anger and violence seem to be connected to external circumstances; like other cultures, other people who caused the death of a loved one (Irish et al, 1993;.. Kalish, 1977; Archer, 1999).

According to Rando (1977), if the child does not resolve the grief; Complications may occur, such as; psychosomatic illness, psychological disorders, adjustment disorders and behavioral problems (p. 1999). One strategy is to Rando (1977) and the therapist is to facilitate the withdrawal of attachment to the deceased, and attempts to redirect the emotional energy of another primary figure in the child’s life. This process, of course, involves identifying the primary structures which help to maintain the child’s emotional, psychological and social well-being (Littlewood, 1992). Structures can be identified as either formal or informal processes (Littlewood, 1992). It seems that it is important to take advantage of professional support to help the child, as well as before, during and after the family of the death of a loved one is significant, such as a parent (Littlewood, 1992). During these processes would also be useful, according to Littlewood (1992) to take advantage of informal supports; such as family members and others helping to reduce the psychological and emotional stress on the child or adult. It seems that a therapist would be obliged to initiate appreciate the roles, expectations and culture, family and children prior to formal or informal interventions.

According to Rando (1977) Children sometimes behave as if they are playing the game of death, or acting out the funeral services; However, this way of coping with grief and take a break. Because children have difficulty expressing their feelings, thoughts, and memories of the lost parent, it is important that the therapist helping facilitating emotional expression (Rando, 1977; Despelder, 2005). Ways of getting the attention of children and of supporting and expressing this feeling that utilize speech authors who have written stories that are related to childhood pain (Despelder, 2005). Other strategies therapist can benefit from art therapy and support group interventions to express the emotional and psychological processes (Despelder, 2005).

processes and support for adults who have lost their parents, others are important processes that help adults through the grieving process. When the adults to help cope with the loss of a parent is important to understand that there are gender differences in the treatment of loss (Archer, 1999). According to Archer (1999), women tend to take advantage of the greater emotional expression and emotional components to cope with the loss of a parent. Men believe that utilize problem-solving strategies throughout the grieving process (Archer, 1999). According to Gallagher, Lovett, Hanley, Dunn and Thompson (1989), women seem to be taking advantage of the cognitive process in order to work through the grieving process, where the men proved to be “keep busy” type of recovery activities. One would assume that a therapist should develop therapeutic interventions that utilize these stratified according to one of the innate way of coping identity, such as gender. With this knowledge, Worden (2002) makes it clear that the counselor is primarily should strive for goals that facilitate the recognition of the reality of the loss is to help people express and covert influence to help problems with redistribution, and to help the person remembering the deceased, feeling good while moving within their own lives (p. 52).

In conclusion, we must understand that the loss of a parent, the roles and expectations will be left behind dramatic effect on them, and the ways in which social workers to intervene. It becomes clear that the primary consideration in the grieving process should be used for children or adults. More and more children and adults reactions and interpretations of the meaning of parental loss of cultural and gender perspective and utilizing coping and support processes that help the grieving of great importance by examining information.



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Source by Laverne John Riley Jr.

It affects the communication skills of textile


“by Nd 2 U 2 Me fri5 gt rpt. Bob”

Can you imagine an e-mail the arrival of a high-level manager in a large company ? What would you think of a company who has sent such a thing to you, the customer? If you think that this is an exaggeration, think again! Many researchers believe that the textile and e-mail have contributed to a sharp decrease in effective communication skills of this generation. In this article, I will describe how to text message and e-mail skills caused the worsening of the corporate world, how laziness increased the misunderstanding that the impersonal nature of communication technology increased rudeness and aggression and prevent the friendships. Finally, I will share some tips to help you and your kids to avoid these traps will increase the chances of success in personal and professional life.

1. Poor communication skills Even Corporate America:
“Communication is all anyone can eventually get paid … and if you can not communicate effectively, you will not get the money to pay …” -Doug Firebaugh

a 2005 article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette employers complain communication skills. Bosses say graduates were labeled among the biggest shortcoming is an inability to speak and write effectively. Communication skills now top the list of skills employers are looking for, because these qualities can not be taught in their new hire training for two weeks. However, these properties are consistently at the bottom of the list have employee perspective in the interview. The National Association of Colleges and Employers had good communication skills, which most employers say job seekers lack the college.

Debra Vargulish, the training administrator Latrobe-based global tool company that recruits college students to Kennametal Inc. It has been reported that students encounter often inarticulate and shy, “seems to have much better technology, than older people. it really is that the content is missing. many of them do not know what to say at all, and that’s not good. “

in my lifetime, the technology has been nothing short of amazing! It was some incredibly powerful effects that can communicate. We are able to communicate with almost anyone in the world, stroke is the key. We can find information in the nano-second. E-mail and SMS allows us convenient access to friends of our schedule, we have a simple way to connect, pass along vital information and help from family and close friends to stay despite being hundreds of miles apart. However, sms and e-mail also mentioned the cause of communication skills deteriorated in recent years. This e-mail shorthand is one of the reasons given.

According to a recent study, 25% of them used emoticons in their school writing; 50% of them have used informal punctuation and grammar, 38% of them have used text shortcuts like “LOL” or “laugh out loud”. And they term “links” showing up to work!

“right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.” -Hubert H. Humphrey

A recent Harris Interactive and Teenage Research Unlimited survey, researchers found that instant messaging keeps the family together on the Internet, but can also lead to fewer in-person meetings, trips and less time actually talking about. He said the data collected showed online communication is unjustifiably place and start a real relationship is virtual. This is not the personal social skills carry over to the business world.

“You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can not get them across, your ideas will not get you anywhere.” -Lee Iacocca

2. People are getting lazy info and do not use it to check things, or unadvised
as much information (and wrong) with a click of a lot longer to due diligence sure that passing along information that is accurate. Passing along misinformation not only allows you to panic, with no need to exist, but it can also ruin your credibility. I saw a large Facebook groups define a falsehood. When the group leaders realize their case invalid the group members have a hard time to entrust other information on them.

Laziness causes poor attention spans and writing as well. A recent story reported on the negative impact of the New York Times text messages to statistics from the Nielsen Company shows teens in the United States average about 80 text messages per day in the fourth quarter of 2008 text messages allow teenagers to communicate in places where the use of mobile phones is not possible, mainly school . It is quite easy to hide the cell phone and the text of the textile and teenagers do not focus on the lesson and decreased attention span occurs. According to the University of Alabama computers and applied technology program 2009 Technology Education: A series of case studies: his ninth grade, Mrs. Diego, the English teacher, he found that his “students’ papers full of short, choppy sentences that do not provide depth . “

Furthermore, many teens spend so much time texting, are not aware of the correct use of words and phrases are not used by unadvised. Here is something that I heard the other day in the park. The 14-year-old girl told her 4-year-old step sister “, the soon-to-be father-in an airplane right now.” As I listened to the conversation that followed, but it turned out that the 14-year-old was probably talking to his father, who will legally adopt her step-sister.

3. Increase rudeness and aggression
Christina Durano, according to a study of social skills prevents Technology, “Not only electronics hindering the development of interpersonal communication skills, but also just plain rude Sometimes you want. to grab the phone out of someone’s hands and throw it off the ground, so yes, they look at me during the interview. this is not, I think, I’m so high and mighty that I really deserve people’s attention that this is just some basic rights everyone deserves – one of which is the right to a two-way conversation “

‘ve noticed that some inconsiderate movie goers are lately.? You can not step into a movie theater no longer meets the sea backlit mobile phones such as the owners of thumb your way through the endless online games or beep-ridden text messages. And do not get me started on the increased aggression forums, discussion groups and Yahoo because of the anonymity of faceless, impersonal relationships made online. People feel justified in expressing anger and sound disrespectful, because they do not have to see the victims’ eyes when they communicate.

4. prevent friendships and social skills:
There are serious drawbacks to the influence of technology on interpersonal communication. Our zest to connect people around the world, often ignore their neighbors. People do not see the need to physically interactive, it may have been carried out without any physical contact with the main activity or even exercise or participate in sports activities in virtual students.

Because of the increase in text messages and e-mails, some experts like Rick Pukis, Augusta State University associate professor of communication, like texting may affect the way we interact.

“Text messaging has made us a very impersonal society today. They do not communicate, do not use any facial expressions such as smiling so when you get back to the situation where they’re talking to someone, and they did not smile. Someone whips one thirty seconds over and they’re like, ‘Ahh, I took care of this, he said. it does not really communicate only fired a one-line sentence to me and does not really convey any thoughts. “

my niece recently attended a friend’s birthday party and found himself in the middle of a textile marathon. Every girl, cell phone in hand, texting boys, who were not present at the party and each other despite the fact that there they were in the room with each other for several hours

5. What should I do?
in order for you and your family to these traps to avoid, which can lead to a serious lack of effective communication skills that can hinder personal and professional success in life, we recommend that you do not miss lessons ignored communication skills. the Lord says in Proverbs 25:11, “a word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”

and do not forget: “the biggest problem in communication is the illusion that this happened.” -George Bernard Shaw


Source by Jojo Tabares

Plessy vs. Ferguson – African American History Essay



The US Supreme Court: The Supreme Court on the ground. Their task: to decide the constitutionality of the case. But what you actually do? We can trust that their decisions only? Two important cases in its history may help answer this question. A 1896 US Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson made separate facilities and schools on racial grounds. In another case, in 1954 Brown v. Board of Education, the court reversed its decision and said that there was no specific level. In both cases they teach two hours, the US Supreme Court. Plessy shows that our justice system does not do justice sometimes. Brown shows that although the Court notes, rightly, the truth is not guaranteed.

Many events led up to Plessy v. Ferguson. For example, federal troops withdrew in 1877 after the Congress of South Blacks conditions deteriorated. The government has pushed blacks in a worse position. The government has taken steps to prevent blacks from voting immediately.

he began to poll taxes, “grandfather clause”. He also segregated trains, in parks, schools, restaurants, theaters, swimming pools, and even cemeteries. When they came in black segregation laws were probably end up in jail or dead!

The case of Plessy v. Ferguson was a very important issue in American history, because finally segregation still legal, and made segregation a concrete reality for people in the United States. It started with a man named Homer Plessy. Plessy was 7/8 white and 1/8 are only drops of black blood in him, but Louisiana law was considered black. In 1890, Louisiana law, which states that “all railway passengers in their car to be in this state to be equal but separate accommodations for white and colored races by two or more passenger cars of all passenger train, or by dividing the coaches bulkhead, so we provide a variety of accommodations. “Plessy believed that the law is unjust, and, therefore, challenged the law by not leaving the white wagon. They were arrested and taken to trial. In a trial he claimed that the Special Car Act violated the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution. But they found guilty. Plessy then appealed the decision to the Supreme Court of Louisiana. Once again it upheld his case. Plessy appealed again in 1896, the Supreme Court of the United States. Homer Plessy was found guilty again. The effect of the court’s decision was a tough one. This created a reality that was a nightmare to many. Their lives would be changed dramatically. They will be formally separated, and can be viewed in society to be low.

Plessy v. Ferguson was the law of the land until 1954, when he performed successfully overturned Brown v. Board of Education. In 1954, a little girl named Linda Brown of Topeka, Kansas had to walk five miles to school. He did not get recess and could not play any of the other children, who were all white. His parents brought the case to the Supreme Court said that there is no way blacks and whites get equal education if separated. The court ruled that separate is not equal.

The time between Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education shows how long it took to blacks justice of the Supreme Court. It amazes me that the government will also issue when blacks the right to justice. It must have basic knowledge of knowing that it is wrong to treat people so unjustly. Just to prove the point, here are some questions you should ask yourself: human beings blacks than whites? Do blacks and whites alike feelings and needs? And finally, the only difference between blacks and whites to have a different complexion? I’m confused as to why so many people, including Justices of the Supreme Court did not answer yes to these questions. How can anyone think some kind of intelligence that is acceptable to treat blacks differently?

Fortunately, the court did not come to the senses of the Brown v. Board of Education. It’s only because the US Supreme Court ruled that separate is not equal, this does not mean that blacks will automatically fall under treatment. After Brown v. Board of Education happened, there had to be, the civil rights movement, in which many people were involved to push to change the society. Two people who led the civil rights movement was Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks. We have to realize that not only are the people working there were others, and help for the same reason. There were many ways to make their impact on the civil rights movement. They gave speeches, wrote letters, held meetings led marches and many other strategies. He also endured mental and physical hardships. Only the civil rights movement was the promise of Brown actually get it. These people were poor, rich, high-quality, low-class, black, some white, short and tall. It was basically a number of different types of people. Not everyone automatically changed the mood when the US Supreme Court separate is not equal. There are still many people out there who are racist, and he wanted that blacks are inferior position.


Source by Michael Cooper