Race and Social Division


American society, issues of race and social class entwined together like a chain of DNA. It can not be an honest debate competition without the equally important issue is class, as the two are closely linked. Although discussions of race and class often avoided because these types of problems people uncomfortable, after Hurricane Katrina and various television news programs is peeled back the curtain, that America’s dirty little secret: many people in American society who were unable to escape the double jeopardy that was African-American and poor.

The four readings by Sklar et. al., Oliver & Shapiro, Mantsios & Bartlett and Steele in the text (Ore, PGS. 69-99) demonstrate socially constructed race and class whites and the advancement of a social class component of the poverty-stricken African-Americans, who are to blame for everything wrong in society. In addition, each of the four articles reflect the fact that the two systems of oppression into each other in a never-ending rule structure (matrix of domination), as the text.

Title of article: “Race, wealth, and tie, Oliver and Shapiro describes how the three historical events in American society – the renovation of the suburbanization of America and the contemporary institutional racism has led to huge amounts of income inequality whites from blacks and. Although the US society had more opportunity to change African-Americans, they have the same economic benefits whites took for granted, that did not happen, because the blacks were the same economic playing field than whites. that is why we have such a high wealth gap between whites and blacks in American society.

Mantsios’article to take this discussion to the large wealth gap blacks and whites continue to examine, to the media, the owner of the ruling class, has played a major role in distorting the economy pretending views of the ruling class does not exist, and the poor black people in the dregs of society. The media is the “magic” might have toward sin and harshness of African-Americans seem as if it is their fault that they are poor.

By doing this, the upper and middle-classed Americans may learn to fear and to hate black people poor and denies that African-Americans are regular contacts between racism and poverty levels are high.

Similarly, “The wealth gap is growing,” describes how in the curve, but also the legal transactions of companies and politicians led to work wages have stagnated for decades turned millionaires billionaires. This article also referred to the Oliver and Shapiro article, showing how African Americans have little if there is no net worth, even if the differences in income, occupation and education were removed, white income is still higher than blacks because of racial barriers that have kept them stagnant for centuries. Bartlett and Steele discussed, although at the expense of the US government slashed welfare benefits to those in need, it supports large enterprises taxpayers regularly. It’s okay, because corporate America to be on welfare, but welfare corporations so-called “incentive”. Corporate America can do this because it is good PR, so the media to help sell the economic dreams of the unsuspecting American public goes back Mantsios article. All four articles relate to because it reflects the fact that although the economic system works in America was built on the backs of African-Americans, they can not share the wealth. After

reading this material, you can not help but think of mostly African-American and the poverty-stricken victims of Hurricane Katrina, and how American society is because of the economic situation. They are not only the victims of a terrible natural disaster victims, but also a system that has historically kept them in the last rung of the economic ladder. The victims of this tragedy was the face of the economic background for the first time. I’m an African-American single mother who received welfare benefits at the time of Hurricane Katrina happened, who did not know, and still be able to drive, and my family would have been one of the many marked “refugees” when I lived in New Orleans. Although I am an active participant in the past, the creation of the situation, I was told that I could not attend a four-year college because it would take too long for a TANF worker says that against how much the system for people like me, even if you try to do the right thing.

stir up competition among the supervisory monitoring of white African-Americans and Hispanics in the workplace has shown that much of corporate America against the advancement of minorities. Living in the neighborhood, to the forty minutes from Chicago but is surrounded by vacant lots filled with trash says that a certain segment of America’s forgotten people based on skin color and economic background. Unless there is a fundamental change in the redistributation wealth and racist behavior in American society, the wealth gap between the blacks and whites will only get bigger.


Source by Kathy Henry

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