Free Government Grant Money Financial Crisis


during the financial economic times, the government has provided billions of dollars in free grant money that will never be repaid. A number of government support programs for different purposes, but many are made available to assist American citizens’ personal needs, while others are a way to stimulate the economy.

For example, there are free government grants to help people pay their bills, credit card debt and other personal debts that prevent them from making a living. There are free public aid programs to help Americans buy new homes and investment properties, and there are even more support to help single mothers go back to school and pay for college tuition.

Hundreds of state aid programs and even private foundation grants are free money that you never have to repay. This money is used up to help the individual and the economy is going through a major downturn, or the money is available as a way to move forward so America can remain a competitive nation. Therefore, you will find billions of dollars in grant money that is distributed for free to pieces, to help people start a small business, or go back to school to further their education.

US taxpayers financed by these funds, which means that not only over anyone age of 18 allowed to apply for these funds, they are entitled to this money . As long as a US citizen and pay taxes, they can quickly qualify to receive some of this money to hundreds of government and private foundation grant programs available.


Source by Austin Warty

Hollywood harems: A Documentary Film Review


Tania Kamal-Eldin harems Hollywood: A documentary film produced by Women Make Movies (Firm) 1999, Tania Kamal-Elin is an independent filmmaker and university professor . He is a UCSD visual arts MFA MSC is a political economy at the London School of Economics. He also taught at Palomar College and UCSD. Kamal-Elin successes include publishing novels under various fictitious co-authoring a book of short stories. His current task is assistant professor of University of America, School of Communication Film and Media, Washington DC, Hollywood harems: A documentary film, Kamal-Elin explores the viewers to Hollywood’s depiction of harem dancers have been inadvertently or deliberately reinforced the stereotype surrounding Middle Eastern women while continuing to raise the social status of the English, European and American women.

The stereotype surrounding Central Eastern women have been widespread since the Europeans first visited the Middle East and brought back strongly exaggerated tales sensualized locations where the desire and thirst of men indulged in the skin. Despite the false portrayal of scantily clad women sensually scattered in different positions in the room doing nothing, idly listening to music, indulging himself has been the go-to Hollywood portrayal of Middle Eastern women. In fact, most of Central and Eastern women do not participate in such a morally dubious activities, but also embraced the stereotype that Western nations brought their culture; For example Micklewright háreméből / House / Set:

“The Ottoman snapshots, plays a harem stereotypes, revealing not only understand the stereotype but a complex sense parody. By living the stereotype themselves, and deliberately edited faulty version, the photographer and his subjects say their office treatment (and mocking) Western constructs of society. “(Micklewright 257)

Kamal Elin utilizes clips harems Hollywood productions dating back to the 1920s in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, Hollywood how to convince the public to believe, the Middle east, women are more than willing to subject man fantasized harems. In reality, these actresses depicting stereotypical harems actually born and raised in the American heartland arrives in Hollywood has no resources and are forced to accept whatever options were available forum. In some cases, these actresses embraced the role of harem girls and young men made a fortune convincing exotic sensuality.

Hollywood harems: The documentary is a historical film piece that shares many of the same considerations other literature: Highly sexualized harems a product of stereotypes perpetuated Anglo-European and the Anglo-Americans, either because of the belief that women the position of the Western countries of the East, or morally to fulfill the fantasies of young men who believe in the rumors Middle East harems. Hollywood harems: The documentary, Arab filmmakers of different clips combined various elements from the items, Persian, Chinese and Indian culture create the atmosphere of a fictional Middle East that viewers are accustomed to in a similar manner to how British photographer Roger Fenton created a harem setting photos. Fenton photos depicted “wasteful use of fabrics in different colors, textures and patterns create the space in which there is a small sofa and pillows. Small ornaments, inlaid tables, coffee with a tray pot and cups, the two tubes and instruments (spike fiddle, tambourine and drums) complete the scene. “(Micklewright 242)

Fenton use of these decorative elements were buyers in the middle East setting wanted, despite the fact that the population of the Ottoman Empire, from which he took inspiration from the harems were barely in their households and their assigned rooms in the harems they were not even remotely close to Fenton representation.

harems Hollywood: The documentary reveals that the media portrayal of Middle Eastern harems were received with enthusiasm in the population as a correct portrayal of everyday life in Central and Eastern women. Different clips in Hollywood harems: The documentary was the most black-and-white, but the filmmakers manipulated more film elements intended to contribute to the atmosphere in the Middle East. Some artists utilized faint lightening the work in order to be a kind of seediness about taboo and hinted that there were harems places where shady and possibly illegal transactions were commonplace. Filmmakers also decided to dress selection directs the women wear only a minimal amount of clothing because the amount of clothing regulations dictate the need for women in the film only to the English-women, and not ethnic. Finally, just like Robert Fenton or Sebah and harems Joaillier representation of the creators of luxury items are strategically placed as the Turks, musical instruments, and reclining chairs to bring together the sense of a room meant for relaxation and sensual activity.

Tania Kamal Elin Historical harems valid source of documentary film history in order to influence the identification mission of Hollywood movies public perception of the harems and Middle Eastern women . Kamal Elin juxtaposes clips from various decades of the 1900s, which proves the false stereotype of Central and Eastern harems have survived today. My reaction is one of surprise and because of the film’s enlightenment was the realization that the majority of people hold this stereotype harems including myself. The impact of media on everyday life is huge and I’m sure that I keep a number of other stereotypes that have not yet been discovered. The visual elements of the harems were each clip is a sign of the times that were produced, showing viewers what was believed to be a certain period of time every harems. Historical harems: The documentary provides an eye-opening look into stereotyping Middle Eastern harems possession of Western civilization.


Source by Phong J Nguyen

Christopher Okigbo – Looking back on his short-lived life and taking stock of poetic Legacy


Christopher Okigbo Ifekandu one of the earliest Nigerian poet who in his short life because he died fighting for the independence of Biafra, established himself as a central the shape of the modern African poetry, remains one of the most important African poets write in English. Despite the generally acclaimed as a master poet learned the complexity of obscure references and symbolism, it has even been called Africa’s finest poet and one of the most important modernist writers of the twentieth century. “Because while other poets wrote good poetry,” Chinua Achebe observed. “Okigbo conjured up for us a wonderful, haunting poetic sky with a fierce and violent beauty ..”

birth and early life

Okigbo was born on August 16, 1932 Ojolo in the city, ten miles from the city of Onitsha in Anambra State, to a father who was a teacher in a Catholic missionary schools at the height of British colonial rule in Nigeria, he spent his early years moving Okigbo station next to the station’s father. Despite the fact that his father was a devout Christian, he felt a particular affinity Okigbo maternal grandfather, Ijejiofor the Oto family who has always been the priests of the shrine of the deity personified time to time the river flowed through the village. Later in life, Okigbo came to believe that the soul of the grandfather reincarnated in him.

He Educatiiobn in Umuahia and Ibadan

Okigbo graduated from Government College Umuahia two years after the famous Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe, having gained a reputation as a voracious reader and versatile athlete. The following year, he entered the University of Ibadan to study Medicine, but change Classics for the second year .. He also gained a reputation as a talented pianist, accompanying Wole Soyinka is the first public appearance as a singer. It is believed that he wrote the original music back then, but none of them survived.

Initial literary and artistic

1956, held after

graduating each other’s jobs across the country. He worked in the Nigerian Tobacco Company, United Africa Company, the Fiditi High School (where he taught Latin), and was assistant librarian, University of Nigeria Nsukka, where he helped found the African Authors Association.

1958 was a turning point in his life sought to know himself better.He began publishing the works of various magazines, namely literary magazine Black Orpheus brought together the best works of African and African-American writers. While his poetry was part of a powerful expression of African nationalism, he was adamantly opposed negritude, which condemned the romantic pursuit of the “mystique of blackness” itself. He also rejected the concept of a unification between Africans and African Americans experience, even though it violated the editorial policy of Black Orpheus. Because Okigbo, poetry is highly personal endeavor. Despite the fact that African culture embraced his literary rejected the concept of negritude, because he believes that only a poet. “The poet writes poems, and when it appeared the work of state property. This was the one who reads it must decide whether it’s in Africa or in English poetry.” And he said that there was no such thing as a poet trying to express African-ness as such a thing does not exist. The poet simply expresses himself. The precisely these reasons he rejected the first prize in the Poetry Africa Festival awarded him the 1965 Negro Arts in Dakar.

in 1963 became the West African representative of Cambridge University Press in Ibadan, a position that allowed him to travel frequently hiim in the United Kingdom, where it has attracted more attention. In Ibadan he became an active member of the literary MBARI club.For of the many young artists who were looking for a platform to exchange views and share their various talents. He and Soyinka, also a musician, performing jazz clubs. Consequently, MBARI was founded by the Writers and Artists Club was born in 1961 in Ibadan German writer and critic Ulli Beier. who invited Okigbo that one of the members of the original MBARI committee with Georgina Beier, Wole Soyinka, JPClark, Chinua Achebe, Ezekiel Mphahlele, Amos Tutuola, DO Fagunwa, Dennis Williams, Demas Nwoko, Uche Okeke, Frances Ademola and Janheinz Jahn, the ethnologist. The MBARI Club incooperated various activities, art exhibitions, theater, creative workshops and publishing Okigbo which eventually became an editor. It played a crucial role in the birth of modern African literature. Publication of the writings not only of its members and adherents, but the South African writer Dennis Brutus and Alex La Guma. The visual arts, introduced the pioneers, such as painters Uche Okeke and Yusuf Grillo, a sculptor and painter Demas Nwoko, and screen artist, Bruce Onobrakpeya. The MBARI Club supported the creation of a real movement in contemporary African artists who are poised to create a new artistic culture of reconciliation in the continent’s cultural traditions and introduction of technical language.

Okigbo’s poems first appeared in the student literary magazine Horn, edited by JP Clark. although his works were published in major literary magazine Black Orpheus. In the same year he also published as a book, Heavensgate, and a long poem of Uganda’s cultural magazine Transition, published in Kampala .. Okigbo early poems reflected his country’s shared cultural heritage, although it was the influence of Virgil, Ovid, Eliot and Pound which seems to stronger than the oral literature of the Igbo.

He completed and published the works of mature years, including limits (1964), Silence (1962-1965), Lament of the mask (centennial as anniversary of the birth of WB Yeats, a Yoruba praise poems, 1964), “Dance of the painted Maidens” (commemorating the 1964 birth of his daughter, Obiageli or Ibrahim, who was considered a reincarnation of the mother) and the last is very prophetic sequence “Path of Thunder” (1965- 1967), which was published posthumously in 1971, labyrinths, which includes poems in previous collections.

The Biafran War

was in the 1960s, major political changes in a period of Nigeria, the country is becoming an independent republic in 1963, four years later, in the eastern Ibo tribal region attempting secede.In 1966 Nigerian crisis came after the head of the massacre of thousands of Igbo in the north. During Okigbo living in Ibadan moved to eastern Nigeria to wait for the turn of events, which resulted in the secession of predominantly Igbo eastern region, which eventually declared that an independent Biafra republic May 30, 1967 ..

Although Okigbo followed the social and political events in his country sharply early poems ranged from personal and mythic level. Path of Thunder (1968) showed a new direction – the attack of bloodthirsty politicians ( “politicians again howitzers huge hidden increments / detonator”) and neo-colonial exploitation ( “the robbers come down to us us the tape laughter, our / thunder” rise) reflecting the radical movements of the 1960s.

The outbreak of war Okigbo worked for an Italian business organization Wartrade. Life Enugu Achebe worked together to build a new, but small publisher, Citadel Press. However, the events of the country has changed his plans and leave the job. the new state immediately joined the military as a volunteer, commissioned a major in the field. She has been achieved as a soldier, but fell in September 1967 a major attack Nsukka, a university town, where he found his voice as a poet, and which he had vowed to defend behind his life.refusing safer positions in front .. After his death he was decorated with the National Order of Merit in Biafra. Earlier, in July, the hilltop house Enugu, where several unpublished writings were destroyed in the bombings. Also destroyed was Pointed Arches, poetic autobiography, which, as an account of the experience of life and letters which conspired to sharpen his creative imagination.


However, a number of unpublished documents survived the war. Daughter, Obiageli, d literary heir, established the Christopher Okigbo Foundation in 2005 to perpetuate his legacy. The papers cataloged by January 2006, Professor Chukwuma Azuonye African literature at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, who helped the Foundation select them on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register. Azuonye preliminary studies papers show that apart from the new poems in English, including the draft Anthem of Biafra, Igbo Okigbo unpublished papers include poems. In recent impressive opening up new perspectives in the study of his views against Okigbo’s poetry, especially Chinweizu, Onwuchekwa Jemi and Ihechukwu Madubuike, he sacrificed to attain a vague indigenous African sensibility Euro-modernism.

“Elegy Alto”, the last verse of the Path of Thunder, now widely read as representing the poet’s “last testament” prophetic own death like a lamb to the slaughter, human freedom “

Earth, csaatolja me, let me be the prodigal; let this

a ram final prayer of the webbing …

an old star will start, leaving us on the beach

Looking out of the heavens a new star is approaching;

the new star appears foresees the taking

Before going and coming that will last forever ….

the two published in a collection in the poem Okigbo life established him as an innovative and controversial poet.

Characteristics of Okigbo’s poetry shows the influence of

the hard but suggestive and prophetic poem modernist Europe and American poetry, African tribal mythology, and Nigerian music and rhythms. “Prophetic, threatening, terrorist and violent protest – was the poetry of all of these,” wrote Christopher SO Anozie Okigbo: Creative Rhetoric (1972).

The “distance” (1964) celebrates the final aesthetic and psychic return of indigenous religious roots:

I’m the only witness to my homecoming.

Okigbo’s poetry makes constant and repeated references to parent time. The “water goddess” Especially so Heavensgate (1962) opening compelling lines:

Before the mother of time,

naked I stand,

This seems to be a reference to the central meaning of the verse. “Time” is actually a river goddess, is the African cosmology, which is actually Okigbo as a personal symbol, elevating it to provide protection savior representing the emerging forces such as indigenous cultures and religions Westernization. Heavensgate thus marked his return to the African part of his heritage and self-renewal goddess of the earth:

Before Mother of time naked in front of standing in the wet presence of the Prodigal

relying on a oilbean lost a legend …

spirit of prayer is the time to open the ritual pattern of the poem, which is added to the oilbean, a turtle, a python and rainbow..This last prophetic role could be performed Sunday Anozie suggests. It can also be seen as a snake that is able to both novice and devouring the poet.

other prophetic god-head or essences could see Okigbo’s poetry. In Limits invested VIII prophetic role is an important symbol of – mourning sunbird representing the conscience of the poet as the cohesive spirit finally desecrated the imperialists. Here, too, the ritual of worship totems “The fleet eagles / oilbeam the shadows / ” held under the curse of the air space,” “the power of prophecy known blind dog, howling,” “The Tortoise and the python who are classified as twin gods of the forest “,” shrinehouse bamboo tower “,” egg shell, tiger masks and spears naked. “weights” and “long -headed lion,” abound.

the two collections- Heavensgate (1962 ) and Limits (1964) -reveal personal, introspective poetry is informed by knowledge of Western myths are full of rich, stunning images. Labeled obscure some critics, poetry consuming and allusive drawing freely contemporary poets such as TS Eliot and Ezra Pound, as the Roman Catholic religion, his family Ojoto. Okigbo maintained that his poetry should be regarded as an organic whole, because of age expressed as a poet.

Okigbo the effects are not confined to Africa.going Gerard Manley Hopkins, and European, Asian and African influences in a mixture. He borrows from different sources, such as the African religion, and religion in the West. Romantic, pastoral and classical Greek and Latin influences, such as Vigil and Theocritus have a lot of evidence together with references to the Bible Okigbo’s poetry.

The loans Dan Izevbaye notes usually appears only in the beauty and utility itself.with the term “report” or “experience” of the poem is traditionally controlled by its immediate context. If such images are forced loans or new connections or associations of words, his poetry startling and fresh. That may not be included in the adaptation of the summary and conversion undergo before it is absorbed.

The main source of obscurity poetry of Okigbo that references drawn from the private world of its own symbols, especially references to characters who were part of your childhood -oblongs as Kepkanly, Enki, Flannagan, Haragin, Jadu, Upandru, Anna College and Eunice and obscure places like rock point Rickland and cable. Such references are repeated too often. Perhaps there is no doubt that very personal significance of the poet that kept referring to them. But such interest shall be forfeited to the reader, who was completely unknown in the background.

suffered a similar loss when the reader has no personal experience of such objects hereinafter referred to as “Advent”, “dumbbells”, “Rock Point cable”, “Rock Island”, “fucking angels,” long-headed lion “and” blind dog, “which all add up to obscurity.

Because Okigbo provides complex and difficult issues, face perhaps out of necessity are scarce and difficult to understand. This difficulty increases either consciously or unconsciously created a language of ritual, to which the reader you have to start so perfectly fits into the work of the ritual content. This effect is reinforced by the different aspects of the technique, including his own use of language. First, there is the broken syntax and the use of a variety of obscure words and unusual phrases such as “greenhouse solitude” “broken monody’and space gives the fool.” the structure of the work itself may add to this a kind of syncretic musical samples have been revised distribution of parts by the impact on traditional Ibo musical instruments. the chanting and rhythmn the lines are another good example through invocational qualities of ” elegy slit drum. “

the Okigbo world of modern and traditional are included forcing a tense conflict between the rich images and symbols like Western religion and civilization rich” John “,” proclaimed the gambit ‘,’ crucifix ‘ “pilgrims term shibboleth” and “incense. “Some poems Christian rituals such an extent developed to become the dominant rituals similar to the traditional African religions seen through the omni-presence and destructive potential of the western presence image as.” Thunder Tanks giant ironsteps the explosion, “” distant seven guns, “” cable outdoors wonders of magical birds lightening their pens “and”. “

This conflict soars up to an explosive point as the enhancement and repeat the thunder pattern the resulting debris is captured so.. ‘parliament’ leave ‘,” the Cabinet has gone to hell, “” the voters ambush “and the” roar of the Sirene afternoon. “the confusion of values ​​and a chaotic state could pick up in no better way.

thundering drums and cannons palm grove: the soul of the ascension (From “victim”)

Frequently asked pictures Okigbo’s poems dance ( “dance of death”, “snow dance mortar”), lightning (. “thunder tanks,” “thunder in the clouds”) and drums ( “the drums of the curfew,” “laments the drums”). Okigbo gradually began to see himself as a singer-musician who speaks the ancient language written before the launch: “I have been blown out of the drum / cymbal … I drank out of the” A “Overture” (1961) Okigbo was a “night watchman keyword / at heavensgate “and” Long live the Thunder, “a” town crier with my iron bell “

Okigbo shared TSEliot a vision of the spiritual quest, taking account of the poet’s realm of ancient myths and spiritual self,” Before the mother time , I’m naked … “is often used repetition, rhythm, poetry is more like song, and the words flowing melody, as if the poet is listening and interpretation of distant voices. The four elements Okigbo choose water residence time “float under the feet of the water: / tide blowing them under.”.

There are many sound poetry meant to read (or sung) – culminating in the launch of mourning, and the Path of Thunder (which begins: “Fanfare of drums, wooden bells”). Again, the mixture of both African and against external influences. When working Heavensgate, Okigbo himself stated that he was working under the spell of Impressionist composers Debussy, Caesar Franck, Ravel …

The sound and beat always win; although the term is sometimes vague. Okigbo’s poetry is full of ellipses, barely left a poem is not marked sentences to drop three points:

And it is here

errors in the rendering …

piece verses striking, often poignant. “Gods outgrow / Abandoned” Fragments of the flood, in order to come to an end “. & Neutralized the completed”

The verses – sliced, divided into short sections of their own – line by line to impress. Lines are repeated and varied throughout the poem several sequences. In Lament of the Silent Sisters, for example, the question: “How can you say NO thunder” central – and the lightning will reappear elsewhere. . ( “NO Thunder” is a “dominant motif of” death row Silent Sisters here Okigbo also recommends:

Silence tunes

Heard in retrospect

In the final sequence, Paths of Thunder, a series of Poems prophecy War. and letting the conflict between art and life, and the tense political climate of the day, emerges. it may be ironic tips Okigbo after leaving art to serve the Biafran cause, dying in battle. it’s not his words that trouble brought, but even the Paths of Thunder makes a rare personal appearance, the warning itself:

If you do not learn to shut my mouth I will soon go to hell

I, Okigbo, town crier with my iron bell.

Okigbo’s poems seem to pop out even the poetry of page.for did not allow the slump and he did not just stick a successful form and style. Although sometimes overreaches himself or Okigbo I miss the mark even those verses that the reader can report to the castle itself, that will maintain your interest. Although deceptively few words Okigbo offers a sometimes daunting complexity, despite the poetry certainly worth reading.In to his diverse influences, he is endowed with a unique and interesting voice

Further Reading:

o Sunday Anozie, Christopher Okigbo: Creative rhetoric. London Evan Brothers Ltd., and New York: Holmes and Meier, Inc., 1972.

o cast Esonwanne, ed. 2000 Critical Essays on Christopher Okigbo. New York: GK Hall & Co.

o Donatus Ibe NWOG, Critical Perspectives on Christopher Okigbo, three continents Press, 1984.

oo Donatus Ibe NWOG, Critical Perspectives on Christopher Okigbo, three continents Press, 1984

o Dube Okafor, Dance of Death: Nigerian History and Christopher Okigbo’s Poetry club. Trenton, NJ and Asmara, Eritrea: African World Press, 1998.

o Udoeyop, Nyong J., Three Nigerian Poets: A Critical Study of poetry Soyinka, Clark and Okigbo. Ibadan: Ibadan University Press, 1973.

o James Wieland, a Ensphering All: History, myths and misconceptions of the poetry of Allen Curnow, Nissim Ezekiel. AD Hope, AM Klein, Christopher Okigbo and Derek Walcott. Washington, DC: three continents Press, 1988

Izevbaye Dan S. “The state of criticism of African literature”. African literature today. Ed. Eldred Durosimi Jones. Vol. 7, London: Heinemann, 1979, 1-19.


Source by Arthur Smith

Race and Social Division


American society, issues of race and social class entwined together like a chain of DNA. It can not be an honest debate competition without the equally important issue is class, as the two are closely linked. Although discussions of race and class often avoided because these types of problems people uncomfortable, after Hurricane Katrina and various television news programs is peeled back the curtain, that America’s dirty little secret: many people in American society who were unable to escape the double jeopardy that was African-American and poor.

The four readings by Sklar et. al., Oliver & Shapiro, Mantsios & Bartlett and Steele in the text (Ore, PGS. 69-99) demonstrate socially constructed race and class whites and the advancement of a social class component of the poverty-stricken African-Americans, who are to blame for everything wrong in society. In addition, each of the four articles reflect the fact that the two systems of oppression into each other in a never-ending rule structure (matrix of domination), as the text.

Title of article: “Race, wealth, and tie, Oliver and Shapiro describes how the three historical events in American society – the renovation of the suburbanization of America and the contemporary institutional racism has led to huge amounts of income inequality whites from blacks and. Although the US society had more opportunity to change African-Americans, they have the same economic benefits whites took for granted, that did not happen, because the blacks were the same economic playing field than whites. that is why we have such a high wealth gap between whites and blacks in American society.

Mantsios’article to take this discussion to the large wealth gap blacks and whites continue to examine, to the media, the owner of the ruling class, has played a major role in distorting the economy pretending views of the ruling class does not exist, and the poor black people in the dregs of society. The media is the “magic” might have toward sin and harshness of African-Americans seem as if it is their fault that they are poor.

By doing this, the upper and middle-classed Americans may learn to fear and to hate black people poor and denies that African-Americans are regular contacts between racism and poverty levels are high.

Similarly, “The wealth gap is growing,” describes how in the curve, but also the legal transactions of companies and politicians led to work wages have stagnated for decades turned millionaires billionaires. This article also referred to the Oliver and Shapiro article, showing how African Americans have little if there is no net worth, even if the differences in income, occupation and education were removed, white income is still higher than blacks because of racial barriers that have kept them stagnant for centuries. Bartlett and Steele discussed, although at the expense of the US government slashed welfare benefits to those in need, it supports large enterprises taxpayers regularly. It’s okay, because corporate America to be on welfare, but welfare corporations so-called “incentive”. Corporate America can do this because it is good PR, so the media to help sell the economic dreams of the unsuspecting American public goes back Mantsios article. All four articles relate to because it reflects the fact that although the economic system works in America was built on the backs of African-Americans, they can not share the wealth. After

reading this material, you can not help but think of mostly African-American and the poverty-stricken victims of Hurricane Katrina, and how American society is because of the economic situation. They are not only the victims of a terrible natural disaster victims, but also a system that has historically kept them in the last rung of the economic ladder. The victims of this tragedy was the face of the economic background for the first time. I’m an African-American single mother who received welfare benefits at the time of Hurricane Katrina happened, who did not know, and still be able to drive, and my family would have been one of the many marked “refugees” when I lived in New Orleans. Although I am an active participant in the past, the creation of the situation, I was told that I could not attend a four-year college because it would take too long for a TANF worker says that against how much the system for people like me, even if you try to do the right thing.

stir up competition among the supervisory monitoring of white African-Americans and Hispanics in the workplace has shown that much of corporate America against the advancement of minorities. Living in the neighborhood, to the forty minutes from Chicago but is surrounded by vacant lots filled with trash says that a certain segment of America’s forgotten people based on skin color and economic background. Unless there is a fundamental change in the redistributation wealth and racist behavior in American society, the wealth gap between the blacks and whites will only get bigger.


Source by Kathy Henry

What started it all – Volleyball History


Surprisingly, one of the most popular sports in the world is also relatively young. Despite the fact that the game of youth, it has gone through many changes and a rich history as part of the development.

Believe it or not, but at the same time was not Asics or Nike women’s volleyball shoes or even volleyball uniforms for sale anywhere, let alone online!

In order to understand and appreciate how much the game has changed and how much work was placed to succeed, you need to look back to the very origin of Volleyball, and study when and why changes were made.

Just over 100 years ago, in 1895, William G. Morgan developed the first game of volleyball. At the time, Morgan dubbed the game “Mintonette”. “Mintonette” was created for business people as a game to be involved in less physical contact section of the YMCA, where he worked in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Morgan borrowed aspects of many games to create their own game. The first aspect was the tennis, borrowing the net. Instead, however, the usual net lifted to be 6 feet 6 inches high, so it is just above the average human head. Other sports he borrowed from basketball, baseball and handball. In one year, the presentation of sports games, one viewer commented the game was more volleying, and the games name was changed to Volleyball.

That was just the beginning.

In 1896, the first official game of Volleyball was played Springfield College. This game was the first real takeoff of the sport, and introduced the other games are played in different colleges. In the year 1900, volleyball was taken off enough where a special ball was designed just for the game. Another feat is achievable in 1900 that the YMCA took the sport from America to Canada, the eastern and the southern hemisphere. Five years later, Volleyball also spread to Cuba. This variance was what it meant to the beginning of the era of volleyball. Unlike most sports, Volleyball moved International first few days, so the game is evolving to meet the needs of gamers worldwide.

In 1907, Volleyball received its first recognition of being one of the most popular sports in the playground of America convention. It was the first recognition the sport received, and helped to further popularity. In the next ten years, the YMCA continued to spread the sport in Brazil, Puerto Rico and Uruguay. In 1913, the first official Volleyball competition was held in the Far Eastern Games.

1916 saw Volleyball will hold its first true development. In the Philippines, the set and spike offensive pass was introduced, and the game has changed to involve this new form. The Filipinos developed the “bomb”, which is the kill and was named by hitting the “bomberino”. In the same year, the NCAA was invited to the YMCA to change the rules of the game, and initiated into Colleges and other schools part of the normal physical studies and programs within the walls. A year later, the scoring system is set so that the game ended after 15 points instead of 21. This enabled more games that can be played during the same time, in an attempt to seat a bit shorter than the players.

Three short years later, in 1919, the American Expeditionary Forces donated 16,000 volleyballs to troops, which spurred growth in foreign countries. With this increase in growth in the sport, the new rules began to evolve. A year later, the three hits per side rule and the back row attack rules were put in place.

By 1928, the players and fans of the sport realized that the rules of the “official” competition and regulations were needed. The United States Volleyball Association was formed and the first US Open Volleyball Tournament was held. The US Open allowed squads that were not YMCA sanctioned to participate, which is a breakthrough at the time. This development allows sports lovers to fully enjoy the game without being tied to the organization that created it.

After 1928, the game of volleyball changed forever. The “official” set out rules and a competition was not affixed to the YMCA, the popularity of the sport was allowed to sky rocket. US Open men came after a year, except for three years. 1943 1944 and 1989 was not due to annual events, wars and other obstacles.

1934 Volleyball seen through an extensive formal recognition of changes in referees to oversee the game. This change in particular drastically altered the calls and fair play.

The 1940’s held several special events volleyball. Not only the forearm into the game, the first world championship volleyball game took place. It was during this time that the volleyball movement saw fruition, and squads whole world knew who was the best. This has become an annual event, which allows for more publicity to the sport, which helped its growth. Around the same time, more than 50 million people are playing around the world, with more than 60 different countries.

By 1964, Volleyball had spread enough to warrant the introduction of the Olympic Games. The first contest was held in Tokyo, where a rubber suede panels used to. This ball was the only one that can be used in most modern competitions. As a part of the Olympic games, volleyball leave continues to increase until it secured a place for itself in the second most played game in the world.

Despite this high level of popularity, it was not until 1986 that women professional Volleyball Federation and the WPVA, was formed. The growing proportion of professional interest to both sexes, volleyball finally allowed to reach its full potential for popularity. Elementary, middle and high schools as well as colleges all invested After ensuring physical education courses Volleyball, the sport was known in most households around the world.

While the popularity wake football, volleyball did extremely well in the game with roots so young.


Source by Rebecca Blain

After summary and analysis


murder of Jonathan Kosol vocational interests and activism was replaced by three young civil rights activists in Mississippi in June 1964, while he worked as a grade four teacher trainee public school, Boston: The Shame of the Nation Massachusetts. His experience as a teacher, where one of Boston’s urban segregated schools will look into the plight of children of minorities, which motivated him to address the segregation and inequalities that exist in public schools that continue to plague the nation as the nowadays.

segregation in schools was about 60 to 30 school districts in 11 different states, according to
to him. Most of the visits were in the South Bronx in New York, Los Angeles – California, Chicago, Detroit – Michigan, Ohio, Seattle – Washington, Boston – Massachusetts and Milwaukee. In the schools visited, he observes that conditions have grown worse inner-city kids began in federal court to 15 years since the demolition of the landmark ruling Brown v. Board of Education. It notes that the number of white students in urban schools dropped more variable pattern of white middle-class families in urban and peri-urban communities since the 1960s (white flight). He speaks to the irony of the school population in terms of executive integration, which bear the names of the schools, such as Thurgood Marshall Elementary School in Seattle Washington 95% minority students. According to him, the vast majority of students in the city schools in the United States, students of color. In Detroit, for example, 95% of students in the public schools of black or Hispanic. In Chicago, this ratio is 87%, Washington 94% and 75% in New York. He pointed, cynicism, the “small schools initiative” as the Center School in Seattle, he perceived as a “tie-breaker” school segregation “attracted 83% white, 6% black enrollment was opened in 2001 in the city, where only 40% of white high school students district-wide. ” (P 277). Comparing the Center School of African / American Academy in another part of the city, where black students make up 93% and whites make up 3% of the entry, the location of the middle school curriculum and offers many opportunities for students. “The center school, which is positioned as a cultural complex at the Seattle Center, an impressive academic program to prepare graduates to college at the same time a wide range of opportunities for students to participate in scientific projects, theater, music, dance and other cultural activities” (p. 278), while such facilities are lacking in the African-American Academy. “The school is in a sense a local version of the” self Liberia “… the African-American Academy method of teaching is a highly directive that applies the approach is similar, in some respects Success for All” (p. 279). He claims that after decades of sustained combat school segregation in education and civil right activists, social and economic policies continue to help the growing trend of segregation in schools.

Kozol laments lack of basic resources and private schools in the city – restrooms, clean classrooms, hallways; appropriate laboratory equipment, up-to-date books are in good condition and classroom equipment and materials. According to him, this lack of resources to move some teachers to spend between $ 500 – $ 1,000 of their own money each school year to buy supplies and materials for the elementary school Winton Place Ohio. He claims the overcrowding of students in a class. For example, in Chicago, it’s not uncommon to see as many classrooms 54 students aware of the fact that most of the untrained teachers.

Kozol points out, the issue is the lack of pre-school opportunities for many students because of federally funded benefits programs denied them. It also shows the difference between the money spent on the students, and their impact on the state tests. In the case of New York state, the average spending $ 8,000 a student in the city, while the suburbs $ 18,000. Also in New York, the inequalities in spending between 2002 and 2003 are as follows: $ 11,627 in NYC, Nassau County $ 22,311, $ 19.705 Great Neck. Teachers’ salaries in poor and wealthy school districts follow the same pattern. While the average salary teachers poor communities $ 43.00, the salary of teachers in the suburbs, such as Rye, Scarsdale and New York Manhurst from $ 74.00 to $ 81,000. Even the issue of fundraising is a factor in the differences among schools in rich and poor communities. Since the schools to raise the rich neighborhoods up to $ 200,000, schools in poor districts to raise only $ 4,000.

Adaptive Curriculum Strategy
Displays questioning the logic of scripted programs have been adjusted for minority school system. “Authentic Writing” active listening “,” Rubric to the announcement “,” Responsible Talk “,” Zero Noise “, etc. According to the teachers is done, it is meant to follow the scripted lesson to the form and structure of the learning environment that raises the . anxiety levels of students and teachers in high-quality language and have higher expectations some support, took the moral and ethical values, use should be an integral part of the curriculum in accordance to inform you of. “auto – hypnotic slogans”, which is part of most schools become daily rituals and practices fashioned to increase the students moral. students in low-performing schools are encouraged to memorize phrases like “I’m smart,” “I’m sure” to raise self-confidence and academic performance. This according to him has already formed the reasons used to frame the underperformance of students of color. claims that the teachers treat the “efficiency technicians” who are encouraged to treat the “strict Skinnerian control” and to teach students in the classroom, and whose task is to pump some “value added” in the undervalued children. (P. 285)

a close semblance to the list of “issues related to work to” business-like outlook will be created in these schools “market-based classroom”, “sign a contract”, “take ownership of learning”, “pencil manager”, “Classroom Management”, “building manager”, “learning managers”, etc. This kind of corporate prospects depicts the students’ tools’ ‘ Kozol investment “,” productive unit “or” team player “, according to. The knowledge and skills that students acquire not considered “goods” and “products” should be used for “educational market.” Kozol argues that the education administration in no way be compared to a factory production line, and hints that “the teachers and not allow the beauty profession have chosen to be reformulated those who know much less than they children’s hearts . “(P. 299)

High stakes testing
the issue of education triggered testing the essence of the teachings of learning in public schools. According to Kozol “There are schools, standardized testing begins in kindergarten. Courses that are not in the high-stakes testing is often not taught anymore or they are completely removed from the curriculum such as art and music. In some schools naptime and / or depression reduced or completely removed to have more time to prepare for the state standardized tests. Even the teachers meetings aimed at discussion of effective strategies for students in the quarterly assessment studies or review of state and district standards. teachers are encouraged to attend workshops and conferences with regard to the test acquire more knowledge to integrate the teachings of the state testing standards.

students on the offer all educational superficiality, they can be tracked and tagged Labelling. the child’s level (lowest) to level five (highest) place them into categories supposed to be for further instructions. Instead of being given adequate attention in terms of labels to use the description of the scientific point of view. “He went down two levels,” “He’s a level.” The question of scientific monitoring and labeling of these schools is a major obstacle to the establishment of equity and democracy in the learning environment. According to communicate, learning to teach as a “possession” is not something a “snaps” of. Students are encouraged to first-year course of “a career” to tailor course work. However, few incentives for career college education. For example, in the case Mireya taking part in the Fremont High in Los Angeles, while seeking a college education, he would rather put the professional classes – sewing and hairdressing. Kozol He explains, “I was hoping to do something else.” “Why is it that students who do not have what we need to be much more? And we, who need to be so much more so much less?” He questioned.

Considering all of these strategies on a structured education in urban schools of public administration, both teachers and students to show a robot behavior to the objectives set designers. Teachers who are inclined direction from those clauses may face disciplinary action and lose their jobs. Students who do not comply with the rules and follow the specified danger threatening the sample does not pass the tests. Overall, there is a loss of creativity and ingenuity in the classroom. Kozol points out that increasingly assume the Reformation, like a miracle to set schools on the right path again. He argues that schools do not despair turned to the arrival of a charismatic, hard-talking people. “There are hundreds of elements, urban schools who are authentic heroes … But there is a difference in performance is able to recognize school leaders and saviors of marketing to individuals permanently unequal system.”

Ray of Hope
After questioning and critiquing the re-segregation of urban schools in America Kozol pointed out some schools, teachers, principals, administrators, and human rights activists met during the study, it gives hope to have the opportunity for school integration. According to him, “Virtually every truly human elements of teacher motivation have been locked out of the market misperceptions to control as much education policy today. But when we go to the schools in which these market ideology has courageously resisted, we get a set of satisfactions and devotion, which are very different the ones that dominate the current discourse in urban education. “(P. 297) …” These schools call it “a treasured place. “They always remind us of the possible.” (P. 300).

recognizes the change in the majority of school districts because visitors after more than three years. The PS 65, a new curriculum that focuses on children in need was introduced. The hand-written lesson plans and timing were taken out and the children’s writings displayed on the walls. It also reminds the individual school districts and Milwaukee Louisville where the school leaders to support desegregation throughout the district lines.

Kozol sees all hope teachers and administrators, like Louis Bedrock (who dedicates this book), Miss Rosa retired principal of PS 30, Fern Cruz new manager their determination for PS 65 and others and perseverance in the fight for better education the minority. It also acknowledges the contributions of black activists as representing Lewis, who is voiced by publicly and in writing books that make up the permanent segregation in America.

The epilogue he wrote: “The segregated education in America is unacceptable.” “Integration is still a goal worth fighting for” (p. 316).

The Shame of the Nation: An Analysis

I find this book very informative, interesting, insightful, and also one-sided and opinionated, but summary, it is very instructive. This book is an outcome of good ethnographic researcher who not only brings the power of passion in his work but also the subjects of his work – the students. The empirical analysis in this book is based on the striking inequality in American society. Race, class, culture, gender and economic situation, which has developed a measuring tape worth individuals in American society have become the bedrock of public administrations, policy formulation. Policies such as education, housing, income and property taxes, shipping, etc. has been so carefully worded to include and some members of the society. These policies naturally favors the dominant group, which is white and disgrace to the target group, which is predominantly black and Hispanic.

takes critical thinking to understand the game of politics. Taking the example of financing urban community school property taxes in the community, one that is the first to think of the nature of these communities who owns what form and what properties are worth. If the majority of these properties are individually owned and in good shape and value, the assumption that they are well-tax for the community. On the other hand, if the government owns these properties, low property taxes can be realized such a community, and this in turn affects the purchasing of school. This game is the policy of perpetuating inequality as we have seen in this book.

Who would expect the administration to be more of a hands on equal education is unequal? Promulgations that the “No Child Left Behind” and “Equal Opportunities for All” is only frivolities? Who can imagine that some teachers and school administrators can be a robot that challenge the ingenuity and creativity in the face of manipulation, except for a revealing book like this? In addition, how can one understand the damage that has been done in this administrative inconsistencies over the years?

There is an insight into the social, economic and cultural power of social capital in this book. Parents who are better informed, educated, good jobs and better tools have more say in support of children’s education, such as little or no education and tools. Surf a good school for children to organize themselves as a parent organization of the school, and in issues to interfere, which is not beneficial to children, for example, that money to employ more teachers and the number of advocate for smaller children in the class. They come up with a sound of others excluded from integrated schools and children sometimes take a child out of school, more and more minority enrollment, as the case may be. They are less dependent and more challenging by the school administration and the government, as fewer parents capitals. A minority of parents who have less in capital letters, complaining, and always the first line of the school management and the government to make the necessary adjustments to their children in schools. The system supports the posterity of marital status.

In this atmosphere of layering, while the dominant group work or qualification preserve and targeted subordinate poor group mixes the view of children They suffer from a fight. The greater distance is created by the rich and the poor. While the children of the dominant group consider themselves lucky to be less “educated” than poor children who have seen it all. They face a lower chance of integrating and facing real multiethnic society and so are less likely to avoid differences in the future. On the other hand, the minority poor children are more skeptical and cynical equity issues arise. In the case of a small Bronx boy who wrote to communicate, “you need things and they do not all things,” and the high school in California, who said his classmate, “You ghetto, so you sew.” the differences in the educational experience for many questions in their heads, the government would be able to understand that while parents may be “guilty” does not have the where-in addition to the innocent students. Kozol study by going to predict that this rate will go to the US strategy of education, inequalities persist; integration is reduced to a minimum, and the abolition of segregation in schools is not just a nightmare, but it would be nipped in the bud society in the future if not addressed now. It goes to say, “This nation needs a family, and the family sits down to dinner table, and we all deserve a place at the table.”

Having listed the classic work Kozol diagnosis blatant, ugly passionate inequalities in urban public schools that plagues America today, we must point out the one-sided, opinionated view of the issue. In a situation like this, no one person can be all right, all the other bad, there must be a balance between “a little to the right and to the left a little bit.” Throughout the book, you tell a structural approach to dealing with the educational inequality that sees the school and the state administration is the factor that is perpetuating the problem, little suspecting a possible approach to the cultural discourse parents and students contributions. Although there was some mention all-white public schools, with little emphasis on the interactions, but they can not argue that, compared with all necessary amenities available to them in minority schools that are little equipped.

I have this one-sided and opinionated in the sense that the subjects of the case visa vie poor minority parents and their children, did not address the possible input of the problem, and as such, the potential factors contributing to the solution. If a capitalist society like America, where you have the option set everyone up for grabs, the “majority” of minority groups continue to complain of marginalization sources, there is a problem somewhere, despite the restrictions introduced. The problem may be attributable to the comfort of your addiction or the reliability of the false sense of security. The seed is the word for it. As for the parents, many of whom depend on the system and can not walk on their way out independence and instill that value the independence of the children. The culture of poverty has emerged, including minority groups, and they seem very comfortable in such a zone. So who has the extra money to children for comfort?

children, as well as due to lack of role models from their parents, they do not see fit strive and conquer the inevitable, they embrace violence and continuous finger pointing as recognizing the place of the parents that education can not be stirring only access to the high status in society. I believe that the focus on re-orienting the children of the minority group to explore educational opportunities no matter the constraints they face would help to get back on the right track. On the other hand, it should be satisfied, respectful, curtail violence and love themselves, which is more empathy for them in any administration that is in place, and they can, at his school, white and feel good, just the same. It is understandable that the structural approach is often shaped by cultural, economic resources, which is based on the yields unstable self-sufficiency and autonomy.


Source by Catherine Ohanele

The Kite Runner – Social impacts the perception Friendships


friendships. The foundation of human relationships. The fusion of two individuals who share their secrets, desires and passions. The term broad sense is the best and can not be, given the specific characteristics and requirements in order to qualify for a sincere friendship. A large number of variations, and can range from surface deep conversation neuro-connections and, ultimately, love. In the case of Amir and Hassan Khalid Hosseni novel, The Kite Runner, the relationship between the Pashtun and Hazara described from both sides, and shows that the perception of a friendship is changing every pole. Hosseni hide and store information of the reader until the very end, when we learn that Amir and Hassan connect in a much deeper level than originally implied, as to the two boys were born of the same father and half-siblings. In many circumstances limited in how far “socially legitimate half”, as the Amir for his realization of the relationship between Hassan referring to himself, knowing that this relationship and the death grip divisions prevented Amir, a Pashtun, from even referring to Hassan, a Hazara as a friendly.

“In the end, I was a Pashtun and Hazara she was in. I was Sunni and Shia, and nothing will ever change that. Nothing.” Amir is a fact indicated by the beginning of the novel. Despite the fact that Amir and Hassan played together, they ate together, and even experienced family events, social prejudices once again demonstrated that it is able to influence even the most intimate decisions – even if performed by a young Afghan child. However, Amir did not show some courage in the face of intense racial diversity, he continued: “But we were kids, who learned to climb together and not history, ethnic, social or religious will change that either…” Amir knew socially superior to his servant, but he also recognized his presence as a faithful companion – a release for interaction – normal, that she can count on. However, the racial segregation racial segregation, Amir Hazara never refer to as a “friend”. He is still the servant of his family – the social weaker. Association of the houses can be compared to a misfortune, the Spanish would face interaction with an African-American in the 1960s.

Hassan reviews are written by another author, however. Anyone who looks at direct racial discrimination and nothing to lose. Amir Hassan’s only friend in the world. The only one who can talk to consistently and regularly sees. This interpretation leads to addiction Hassan friendship in a different direction. It shows loyalty to Amir on several occasions – the first example of verbal and only one side of the story. When asked, “What if I told you to eat dirt” Amir Hassan’s face hardened, and he answered firmly: “For a thousand times.” This quote develop a recurrent theme utilized to illustrate its commitment to friendship. Later in the novel, Baba said: “.. When you look out the window I see them, I see them taking hold Amir Games Just then Hassan will come and fight them for it.”. Not only does this reveal something Hassan that he is a very good friend of Amir, but also foreshadows the true relationship between Amir and Hassan as Baba shows concern for the two boys and the fear that the “socially legitimate half” is developing a coward.

The turning point of the novel shows the convergence three fronts: Amir need to impress his father, Hassan must fulfill his responsibility to Amir as a friend and servant, Baby and be labeled as’ socially legitimate “child succeed. This event is the kite flying contest. As Article Amir the narrator: “He does not appreciate the literary world and I can not appreciate the world of football, so it was very difficult for us to find common ground.” The annual kite flying competition among the boys of the neighborhood Amir was possible that in the end his father was proud of him. Ten children gathered in the streets and flying dragons, hoping to cut off the strings of race and bask in the attention of friends and family. It was Amir best chance of winning something of his father, and he will not let anything get in the way of that attention, it is impossible to lose your closest companion.

After several hours, and most of the day goes on, Amir and Hassan was a kite for the last two remaining competitors. The other is that of a wild blue dragon who has already claimed more than 10 victims at this point in the competition. Ultimately Amir succeeded in slicing the opposition and send the kite swirling in the sky. Hassan fled immediately broke down the kite so that Amir could be a head game home Baby. The eerie melody “for you, a thousand times” seems to be echoing off the pages of the book, as compared to Hassan’s loyalty to Amir seen sharp contrast, as the sun began to descend the Afghan sky, and Hassan has not to return to the kite. Amir leaves out to hunt down his partner.

Amir finds Hassan cornered in an alley, in the same alley he reflected beginning of the book to his father’s friend Rahim Kahn on the phone “. I have been peeking into the deserted alley for the past twenty -six years,” Neighborhoods Hassan and two gangsters the dreaded Assefa and his two companions. Assefa was notorious for boys in the city with his brutal Boxers his set, just as hard against racial discrimination Hazaras. Earlier in the book Amir and Hassan hit by Assefa, who was planning even more senseless beating Amir socialization provided by the “home Babalu” Assefa. Quick action, Hassan Siezen slingshot and took aim at the eyes Assefa says: “If you do not leave us alone, you will know that the new address Assefa one-eyed.” Assefa and thugs backed down, giving formulated so that they get their revenge one fashion or another. Now, here in this alley was the fulfillment of that prophecy is unholy.

Hassan stood firmly between Assefa and blue kite just ran off Amir. Assefa accidentally offered a statement: “Today is your lucky day, Babalu, because all you are going to have for you to get out there without a scratch, the blue dragon”. In an ordinary relationship, or friendship, I’m sure most people would sacrifice the kite and returned home safely. Hassan Unfortunately, it was not a normal friendship. Amir Hassan’s only friend in the world, and blue kite worked physical representation of commitment to friendship. When he gave up the kite, Hassan’s eyes, only to give up his friendship. Instead of

So submission of Assefa and his buddies, he behaved like a sacrificial lamb needed tightening bond between father and half-brother. One tactic used Assefa dark and evil as the traditional style beating the hell, I’ve even intimidating – he was anally raped Hassan. Amir and ran away. He turned his back on his closest companion – half-brother – and whether he wanted to admit it or not – a friend. After all the time Amir Hassan stood up in the past, as it were, Amir could not stand up in the face of injustice and suffering, at least with her boyfriend. The scars will not heal engraved on this day.

Skipping through the book we find Amir graduate in America, where a refugee after the invasion of Afghanistan in the country is too dangerous to live in. Hassan and he did not speak more than two sentences at a time, and Amir had staged the theft of some of his birthday gifts, it seems that Hassan had stolen them. Amir Hassan was incapable of looking into his eyes again and had to push him. Though Baba responded to this incident with forgiveness, “Hassan, I forgive you,” Ali Hassan realized that not dwell longer subjected to the roof. Baba had to watch his son to leave. Walk out the door and never returned. As Amir said: “Then I saw Baba to do something they have never seen this in her life: she cried.” Amir was, intentionally or not, has caused division between father and son. Half-brothers and his father. It was a bond that can not be repaired once interrupted.

Amir and Baba lived in a crappy apartment in San Francisco in an area where many Afghan refugees. Baby shortly contract cancer and die, seeing that her son is married to a beautiful and loyal woman just before leaving. His wife Soraya, and he was finally able to settle down, and Amir was able to begin his career as a professional writer. The pieces all come together when the telephone rang, and Rahim Kahn’s voice through the receiver. This is where we started the book. Rahim Kahn was dying and wanted to see before he left Amir. As Rahim Kahn was one of the people closest Amir, made the trip to the old country, convinced that “There is a way to be good again.”.

Rahim Kahn told Amir upon his arrival that he needs to find a small house child who is Hassan’s son, and save now enveloped in violence in Afghanistan. He told me that the child, Sohrab, Hassan’s son was, and how it actually Hassan Amir’s half-brother. Amir’s search eventually leads to a football game.

The soccer game, a man in a white comes out during the first half of the stone couple to death with a prostitute. This is obviously a man who is currently detained in Sohrab. Amir and Hassan’s friendship now ingrained so deep that Amir was unable to forget the past and move on. It had to rescue the living embodiment of Hassan, and in doing so to regain his corrupt past.

, the two meet, and he immediately recognized Amir White, who in turn knows that the man is white, the leader of the Taliban, the enemy of his childhood Assefa. Hassan said Assefa as set out in the child’s achievement as a “slant-eyed Babalu”. Sohrab is presented to them bright clothes, and preparing for the dance. The reader can conclude that terrible things have happened to this boy during his stay in the Assefa, whether rape, physical assault or blunt or psychological trauma, or all of these. Amir managed to secure the child, but only after beating the pulp Assefa. In fact, the only way out he was alive Sohrab through the cunning use of a slingshot, as he stretched out his eyes Assefa a brass balls. Life would be difficult to Sohrab, Amir and Soraya, but eventually Amir could be set to rest the terrible past, and “things are good again” between Baba, Hassan, and himself. Friendship always manages to shine through, no matter how long it may last.


Source by Howard Hehrer

1920 American identity – as Fitzgerald and Hemingway


F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway is not only best friends, rivals and fellow members of the Lost Generation literary movement, also helped the US again identity post world war II world. Rather than simply build a new kind of nationalism, however, actively dissected and deflated American archetypes as a self-made man, and the hardened gangster. And what better time to be putting people’s sense of reality than in 1920, when everyone was depressed at the same time the First World War, very rich in the stock market and illegally drunk for an entire decade?

Published in 1922, just after the post-war recession ended, Fitzgerald’s “The Diamond as big as the Ritz” with a sharp criticism of the lavish lifestyles Fitzgerald in 1920 after too familiar with. John Unger, a boarding school child spends the summer estate of his friend Percy Washington in the middle of nowhere, Montana. More precisely, it is located “where the United States is over” – figuratively speaking, anyway, than the US government does not recognize its existence. (And as the castle sits on a flawless diamond the size of a small mountain, the Washington family wants to keep it that way.)

of the family’s wealth “beyond the human desire or a dream,” and John so overwhelmed that barely able to remain conscious. The fact that the estate’s name after the “El Dorado” is a mythical Amazonian city of gold not only increases can be detected unreality of the place, but also suggests the Spanish conquistadors’ predatory pursuit of wealth, creepily, the Washingtons house about 250 slaves, who tricked into believing that the north has lost the civil war. This universe is so tightly regulated, the fact is that when it comes to gardening, gardener, architect, designer, poet and try to “agree on the location of a well” together, they lose their minds, and each sent an asylum.

What really makes the situation absurd, but not the otherworldliness, but the fact that everyone living there is so apathetic about it. the family believes some of their most beautiful thing “old junk”. Jasmine is so deteriorated that she pushed her father down the stairs as a child, and no one batted an eye. the men try to murder outsiders minimal because “upsets” the women. Mr. Washington refers to the incident in which he killed his own brother as “unfortunate”. They get imprisoned in the ground because of the practical things captured soldiers. The list goes on.

The full emotional compartmentalization features The Diamond as big as the Ritz same thing that Hemingway’s 1927 classic American detective story The Killers tick. The story starts with two poorly dressed man named Max and Al entering the restaurant and try their dinner. 6:00 As it is not, they are not limited to lunch menu items only. They are fighting with the manager for a few pages, harass the patrons, it will lead everyone to the back room of the restaurant and take about two hours. It turns out that they are both assassins on a mission to kill a boxer who is not expected to cooperate in the fight manipulated. Yes, this sounds remarkably like the plot of Pulp Fiction.

The surreal atmosphere of the story is not only that Max and Al in two trained killers who spend the first quarter of the story to argue with ginger and egg salad sandwiches, but the strange setting of the restaurant. The clock, for example, is said to be twenty minutes fast – and because Hemingway is not always determined by reference to the time of the restaurant or in real time, both the readers and the killers are both confused by it. (Not to mention, the only thing that is surreal as an incorrect clock is a melting one.)

weirder is the fact that Max spends sitting all night directly opposite the manager, but carried through every conversation mirror behind the counter. If this is not reversed in reality, it is the fact that you get the max so bored waiting for her to kill him, that he actually reduced the ol ‘seen any good movies lately? What’s more, when Nick is one restaurant patrons finally the footsteps of the fighters to warn the assassins, the guy can not be bothered to defend himself. that’s the fighting spirit. Or the glorification of American gangster, for that matter.

the juxtaposing game situations are completely apathetic characters Fitzgerald and Hemingway create scenarios feel impossible, but all too real; what remains of the readers throat is not as crimes, but committed them by completely ordinary characters in the zillionaires accustomed to it. of family life. the assassins did not want to cold sandwiches for dinner. in other circumstances, these behaviors would not give us a moment’s pause, but behind the killings and destruction that hits uncomfortably close to home. There’s a reason why I like the movie of the villains and evil eyepatches cluck or dissect serial killers hoping to deformations of the brain: the last thing we want to see ourselves in these situations.


Source by Paul Thomson

How to Find a special gift for graduation – VMI and W & L examples


There is a cry of woe that can be heard across America sometime in June each year, and the words are always the same. “What you need to give as a graduation gift?” The panic starts when you receive a graduation announcement, and the dilemma of compounds over time. Even graduation day, you still have doubts about the gift of choice for this important event.

Graduation broadcast leaves the majority of people completely prevented. In earlier times, the gift of choice is usually a pen, but surely that is now replaced by a computer or other new communications technology such as Blackberry, iPhone or Droid. The question is, how many droids can be a just-released, even out-of-school (now considered an adult) carry?

Even before the graduation ceremony, memories of the good old school days are starting to foment the mind of the graduate-to-be. So the secret that gives a fantastic gift memories easily identify the characteristics that distinguish the graduate school or community everywhere else in America.

If you accept this formula, a graduate always says. “Thanks for the Memory” The formula reads as follows: Geographical characteristics Area + School + History = History perfect graduation gift.

What is the difference between the Graduate of the city , or school?
Most schools boast its spectacular and sometimes specific geographical landmarks and historic character. For example, in Lexington, Virginia is a small town nestled in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, where two universities and a lot of history. Washington and Lee University (W & L) and Virginia Military Institute (VMI), both renowned for their educational opportunities and charming color of their beginnings. The real tales of heroes like George Washington, Robert E. Lee, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson and George C. Marshall, the city of Lexington, in itself, a great guide to find the perfect graduation gift.

a city with a history of Heroes

Washington and Lee University began as the Augusta Academy in 1749 and later (1796), endowed with the support of George Washington, himself. Gratitude, the school was named as Washington College, Washington College and then changed again. After the Civil War, he became president Robert E. Lee, and when he died, the institution has been renamed Washington and Lee University. W & L’s motto Non incautus futuri, meaning “do not forget about the future,” an adaptation of the Lee family’s motto. Washington and Lee University’s own bookshop and gift center, but there are gift shops Lexington and online resources where you can find great ideas for gifts related to W & L.

founded the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) in 1839 remains the oldest state-supported military college cadets with military disciplinary lifestyle. Before the American Civil War, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson was a professor of natural and experimental philosophy there. 14 different occasions in the midst of the Civil War, VMI cadets were called active military service, including serving in the Battle of New Market in 1864. As a result, even after the Second World War, George C. Marshall, VMI graduate, was the only career military officer ever Nobel Peace Prize .

Think you can find unusual gifts from the history of these two institutions and prestigious alumni.

Characteristics of Formula yields Gift Ideas of

geographical location and history of Lexington, Virginia and educational institutions, here is a list of the actual graduation gifts available – “cool” gifts “guaranteed to save the memories

  • engraved Virginia tin cups
  • – a unique, engraved gifts are often the most welcome because they remember the details of the special occasion of the Virginia tin cup is not just. celebrating graduation, but recalls the cup of the historical origins and course of the state where the grad was a student.

  • W & L Bistro etched Wine Glasses
  • VMI Bistro etched Wine Glasses
  • Robert E . Lee Bust desk or the library
  • W & L Brass Stand
  • George Washington’s Rules of courtesy and fair behavior
  • – the book written by the first president at age 14. “Labour to keep alive in your breast that little celestial fire called conscience,” he said in Washington – one of the 110 stunning live by the rules.

  • George Washington Bust desk or the library
  • Bracelets Virginia State Flower Mart tin (som) -handmade expert craftsmen Williamsburg, Virginia.
  • VMI Panorama
  • – framed, sepia-toned 360-degree panoramic photograph shows the drill field focused on the VMI campus. Matted and framed in polished bronze, signed and numbered by the artist

  • Stonewall Jackson Bust desk or the library
  • hand VMI Cadet Nutcracker
  • hand George Washington Nutcracker
  • Handmade Robert E. Lee Nutcracker

This is just a partial list of the special gifts you can find after some fairly quick research. Look for the unique characteristics of the city or town where you go to graduate school in the history of the school itself, and the things that other locations. Local souvenir shops, museums, stores and schools, and will search for the ultimate sources – and, as they say, “the rest is easy!”

Like all young adults, graduates in today’s high schools, colleges and universities are only now taking the first baby steps, the world is full of harsh realities and challenges. Life potholes are the problems and pitfalls ahead your way up the safe zone is a protected school environment. The front is an unknown headier atmosphere of joy and sorrow, and it is much more important than any of us be able to hold on to reminders of the halcyon days of youth.


Source by Dorothy Dutch

The future of gaming is here – Why is the video game industry has reached new highs


know why the local Toys R Us, the Nintendo Wii is still add up to 15 minutes even though the Delivery of 20 or so coming in every week? Why Playstation3 sold for more than $ 4,000, on eBay, more than six times the value? Or why Microsoft is seemingly irrelevant updates to the Xbox 360?

Well here it is the answer to the future of the game here.

What people must realize that the video game industry is no longer a baby, or even a high school student. If you take into account the early consoles like the Nintendo NES original appearance in 1985, and the video game industry, like all ambitious and young, newly graduated 22-year-old college student looking for a buck in the world; and this is exactly what is happening.

The original generation of gamers who grew up loving classic games such as Pong and Pac-Man, now the generation that currently populate the world no longer have to listen to the parents how Sega Genesis way too expensive, not to mention the $ 599 60MB Playstation3. Rather than just appealing to the younger generation, as before, the video game industry is now twice the audience to appeal. Twice the audience twice the size of the market, which means big $$$ for Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony.

If you are wondering why the big hot shot company like Microsoft spends a lot of time with a seemingly small industry or why Nintendo Corp stock has doubled in the last year, we had the answer. Before the dream was a video game makers for it to be one of America’s pastime, and now not only America, but also in many other countries’ children, teenagers, young and middle-aged adults today. Come immersion video game industry investment, the water’s fine is.


Source by Jonel Cordero