Why are so educated, professional Iranian-American woman supporting Donald Trump


was born in Tehran, I am glad that the United States legally. As a European college educated professional women, I am happy to support Donald Trump in the general election this fall. This is a great nation, and clean, yet ironic sign that it could be even better under the leadership Trump Orthodox facing the magnificent breadth of the Republican Party leader.

obvious why Democrats are opposed to Mr. Trump, but think about these issues. Why spend millions insider Republicans to derail his own party leader? Why is someone like millions of new voters lining up in record numbers in the general vicinity of polling? Answer – because of political insider pet special interests are threatened, period. Everything else is arguably deliberate dodge, reduction or distraction.

Mr. Trump is clearly not a politician. It’s part of the fun, un-PC appeal. The 40,000 foot level, Mr. Trump’s domestic and foreign policy to make good, common sense.

For example, why would the US accept

– The dollar half a trillion in annual trade imbalance with China
– Allow million US jobs go to China
– Spend the control of hundreds of millions China and others
– and you can borrow the money from China to pay federal budget deficit? Hello?

This is not inconceivably ignorant? Still, the two major party brain trust fingerprints all over those policies.

This is Donald Trump, who considers the

– Trade – China, Mexico, the Middle East oil, etc.
– The tragedy veterinarians mismanaged VA hospitals
– Backing for men and women in blue
– the assassination did not enforce US immigration laws
– Banning unvetted Muslims come to America after jihadist terrorist slipped in Europe and the US as “refugees”
– who else claims to have a plan, and claims that there is a need to pay off the staggering federal debt
– Visszahonosít billions of dollars in off-supported high taxes and job-killing regulations
– the divorce of job creation president of
– resonates with millions of other issues in the political, economic and educational spectrum.

Proof can be a “presidential” during a speech given AIPAC.

After listening to Senator Bernie Sanders of State Hillary Clinton earlier debate, it might be more polite than the GOP rivals, but it is obvious to all major political problems.

examples. What is genuinely passionate as Senator Sanders seems, how can we imagine a federal universal health care has more than 330 million, if the government can not run a health of millions of veterans?

Or Barack Hussein Obama admits that Chris Wallace on a Sunday morning show that the biggest mistake of his administration, “after which there is no timetable” for US intervention in Libya’s post-; to point directly to the then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Clinton bragged about her influence in toppling Muammar Gaddafi Muhammad Abu Minyar al. What most Americans called Isis or Isil, the Middle East, the so-called “Daesh” (or Da’ish). Whatever you call them, they are now a large part of Libya. This failed policy has created the POTUS Obama / Hillary Clinton team. Thank you, Madam Secretary …

ICYMI as an Iranian-born professional woman, I agree with Mr. Trump that the transaction, which is Iran’s $ 150 billion incredibly flawed.

Democrats lurched down the left side. Communist and socialist system is a proven failure. Just look at Korea, the superiority of the free market vs. State socialism. North Korea is an economic basket case, while the vibrant south. The more you move toward America, socialism, it is a marvel of economy and people suffer?

crony capitalism controlled by DC. “The system” profiteers desperately trying to stop Donald Trump’s self-funded campaign.

succeed professionally manufactured home (MH) industry’s two largest trade media sites. Work MH firms of all sizes, we know that these first-hand. Although the MH industry for over 6 years of recovery, bad public policies stifle faster growth. Growth yields tens of thousands of good, new jobs a year. Multiply that across the industry, a lot of Americans …

plenty of blame to go around. Forget the blame game! The driver needed to refocus on restoring America’s political and economic system. Let’s revive growth, security and upward mobility.

not build a multi-billion dollar empire, if you do not know how to deal with situations and people. Mr. Trump is supported by an objective review Smart America First principles, this is the land that will be bigger and safer again.


Source by Soheyla Kovach

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